RedVelvetPancakes Smut

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(Authors note: i did not write this one my friend Lupe did their Wattpadd name is DisturbedSilenced and it is amazing~Love you lupe)

(Also Musk is like going into heat for Male wolves and in this Matt is a werewolf)

~Matt's POV~

Ignoring him became harder and harder to do. I was trying to make dinner until he came in wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Maatt ~ " he whined, "Whaatt?" I mimicked his tone.

"Just admit it I know you're in musk season. It's obvious," he purred into my ear. Fuck.

"I have nothing to admit." I hitched my breath feeling his cold hand under my shirt. "Just admit it. There's nothing bad aboot it." Yeah right.

"Trying to cook here," Hissing under my breath I felt his pinkie slip inside my jeans. "Stop." It's like he's playing jump rope with my last line of sanity.

"Fine." He sighed sitting down at the table. I put our plates down taking a seat myself. Taking a bite of my food he instantly reached over connecting out lips, I could feel his tongue slip into my mouth. I had little time to react before he pulled away licking his lips, "Hmm, not bad." He smirked sitting back down. And he says I'm the one going through musk season.

"Eh, not as good as before." he said taking a few bites. "Sorry but I'm not a bird."

I sat down on the couch petting the little wolf pup of adorableness Navi as his parents were lying down on the floor. Luna had her paw on Kuma's face keeping him down. I have a feeling she senses my and Kuma's musk.

"What-cha doin?" Mattie said sitting down in my lap. "Trying to relax, what are you doing?" Wrapping his arms around my neck he rested his head on my chest. "Still trying to make you admit." he said softly, guess he's getting tired. I kissed the top of his head resting my head back. I looked over to Luna who looked at Kuma then me nodding, "Traitor." I mumbled.

"I knew it!" Mattie cheered sitting up with that adorable smile on his face, fuck, "Okay, I'm in musk season, fucking happy?!" He pulled me down forcing me into a kiss. I licked his bottom slipping my tongue into his mouth. God he tasted sweet. He pulled away resting his forehead on mine, panting.

"Had enough?" I smirked. His face

blushed looking away a bit, "Something's...poking me.." My face flushed one, second Mattie's on my lap the next I have him pinned to the couch. This was the greatest sight: Mattie lying under me his face all flustered, his lips kiss swollen as he bit his lip.

"This what you wanted?" I smirked.

~Matties POV~

This was a side of Matt I never knew. I stared up at him a hint of white in his eyes being consumed by lust. A smirk planted on his face, "This what you wanted?" he asked.

"M..maybe.." I hitched my breath as he leaned down licking down the side of my neck. "What do you want Mattie?" He asked, his hot breath making me shiver. I tensed up as he bit down gently on my neck. "I-I don't know w-what you mean." He let out an annoyed huff forcing his leg between mine. I yelped at the sudden friction between us. "Let's take this upstairs," Matt said before swinging me over his shoulder.

"I'm not a rag doll!" I hissed, which only made him chuckle. Tossing me onto the bed I sat up starring at him as he took his shirt off.

"Like what you see?" He mocked, as if my face couldn't blush more. "Whatever Matt." I mumbled looking away. He crawled up to me kissing his way up my neck to my cheek, "Don't be like that." he teased unbuttoning my shirt. I bit my lip trying to keep quiet. I guess that drove him impatient for he practically ripped my shirt off. Grabbing my chin he crushed our lips together slipping his tongue in soon after. His hand creased down my stomach making its way into my jeans.

"Moan for me Mattie," his voice all gruff. I shook head my breathing becoming heavy, "Make me." He pulled away with the stoic face he always has. He grabbed my arm pulling me off the bed and onto the floor. Unzipping his jeans he pulled my face in close forcing me to look at him in the eys. "Suck."

~Third Person POV~

Reaching out Mattie pulled out Matt's semi-hard cock, before having any chance Matt grabbed the back of Mattie's head shoving him down almost to the hilt. With sudden pressure and stretching Mattie

gagged his eyes beginning to water. Letting out a small muffled moan around the cock down his throat. Taking a minute Mattie let his throat gradually open to the accommodate the girth, taking this as his queue Matt began to move. Pants and swears escaping the older male's mouth Mattie could feel this going straight to his own need and lust. Whimpers could be heard as the small Canadian's curl was being twirled between Matt's fingers.

"That's right," Matt smirked pulling his lover off him, "This is the only way to make you moan isn't it?" he chuckled.

A line of saliva trailed down Mattie's chin a bit dazed off the recent event. "Think you can handle the rest?" Matt chuckled running the tip of his cock across Mattie's lips. Snapping back to his senses Mattie glared at him. Without warning Matt pushed him back down only half way this time. Mattie ran his tongue across the tip and down his shaft teasingly asking for more. Snorting Matt snapped his hips forward forcefully thrusting into Mattie's mouth. Obscenely and unashamedly Mattie moaned and groaned with the feeling of Matt fucking his mouth. The sent of sweat and sex filled his nostrils only adding to the pleasure.

Reaching down Mattie teased himself rubbing his throbbing cock through his tightening jeans. His moans and whimpers getting to Matt he ripped Mattie off him throwing back onto the bed. Letting out a moan Mattie unbuttoned his jeans receiving a shiver of pleasure as he kicked his remaining clothing off. Completely forgetting about Matt he began to pump his own throbbing need.

He heard a small chuckle near him, "Oh Mattie, layin in bed, playing with yourself." His eyes tightly shut Mattie couldn't see Matt nor did he care at the moment. "Moaning and groaning. Squirming and squealing," feeling Matt's hot breath run down the side of his neck Mattie bit his lip shaking his head. "N-no," he gasped out as Matt pinned his arms above his head.

"I can't leave you alone five seconds without you pleasuring

yourself," the older male laughed peaking Mattie's lips. With small pop Matt inserted one finger into Mattie. "M-Matt," Mattie whimpered unaccountably. "I know," Matt said kissing his head before inserting a second digit. Mattie's face scruntched up as Matt scirrored him, "I have to do this unless you want it to hurt like hell." Matt whispered in his ear inserting a third. Mattie nodding as he gripped the sheets tightly a moan vibrating its way up his throat. "Found it." Matt smirked, aiming for the same spot. "M..more.." Mattie panted. Switching positions Matt placed Mattie back on his lap hovering over his rock hard cock.

"You asked for it." Said Matt before filling Mattie to the brim. "FUCK!" Mattie moaned/screamed as Matt hit his prostate head on. "Matt why do you have to be so big?!" Rolling his eyes the older of the two smirked, "Can't handle it, Mattie?" Shaking his head Mattie place one hand on Matt's stomach and the other on his knee pulling himself off Matt before falling back down. Throwing his head back moaning Mattie repeating the process. "Shit, Mattie." Matt hissed grabbing his hips forcing him down as he thrusted up. "Matt!!" The small Canadian screamed bouncing up and down on Matt's hard cock.

Pushing him down onto the Matt leaned forward crushing the two lips together as he pounded into the younger one. Mattie's screams and moans filled the air as Matt pumped Mattie's needy cock. Mattie's legs wrapped around Matt's waist and nails digging into Matt's shoulder blades no doubt leaving some new scars afterwards. "I-I'm a-a cum!" Mattie shouted as Matt teased his curl. Cumming hard in Matt's hand Mattie held Matt close to him the knot in his stomach released. "MATT." Mattie moaned loudly into his ear. "Fuck!" Matt yelled soon cumming himself.

The two collapsed on the bed covered in sweat and cum. Reaching over Matt pulled Mattie on top of him gently running his hand through his hair. "My arse hurts now hoser." Mattie mumbled sleepily, chuckling

Matt kissed his head, "Je t'aime." He whispered

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