treatin' me nice and then treatin' me rough

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She was pacing, at that point everything had gotten jumbled in her head, the store was too small and the selections were limited, so she found herself making circles around the freezer area. What she really needed were some condoms... not for herself of course, but she had an impatient hook up waiting in his apartment for her to return.

It wasn't that she even wanted to fuck him personally, she just wanted to fuck someone. She had been home alone for a while and the house was way too quiet, so she went to the bar.

And there she met James, there wasn't much to him, all she knew was that he was decent looking and down to do anything with her. So she kind of invited herself to his apartment.

They were almost getting there, he'd given her one orgasm with his fingers, but soon realized that he ran out of condoms. Of course, he tried to create every excuse, —I'm clean, I'll pull out... yeah right.

So Beth dressed herself back up and went to the only open convenience store down the street. It wasn't an easy task, buying condoms... she didn't have a dick, how the hell would she know what size his was... they hadn't even gotten that far.

She turned down the aisle again, her eyes ran over each label, small, medium, large. The last size was extra large, and god, she was hoping that they would be his size... it's what she really wanted.

Beth realized that she'd been standing there too long, the cashier was casting her an odd glance, someone else had walked into the store. But soon that 'someone' was standing right next to her.

"Don't know which one?" His voice broke through the silence, the deepness and rasp ran down her spine.

It took her a moment to process it, "Oh uh, well..."

"Go with medium. It'll look small, but it fits most." He was saying it so naturally, everything about him radiated a calm demeanor. His lean physique and all black attire gave him this mysterious kind of feel.

And she didn't even know what gave her the courage to muster up the words, "Are those what you use?"

— God. That was fucking embarrassing.

Beth expected him to laugh, get offended maybe, but he just shook his head and leaned forward to grab a box of the extra large condoms.

"Oh." She laughed a bit to herself, "I'm sorry."

"S'good." But even with his product in hand, he didn't walk away to buy them, instead he stuck around to talk, "So, who's the lucky guy at home?"

— Well that was forward.

"Oh... he's..." Beth looked down at her nails before smoothing down her black slip dress, "No one special." And it wasn't a lie.

"Is that right?" He seemed amused with no intentions of leaving.

"Well. I just met him." She almost felt embarrassed, like she should be ashamed of her choices.

"I see." He paused for a moment to look at her, all of her, his eyes roamed over her entire body and Beth had to ignore the urge to look away.

Instead, she decided to ask him the same, maybe get some information out of him, "Who's the lucky lady in your bed tonight?"

He rocked his jaw and gave her a light smile, "Nobody's in my bed..." Which, well... she didn't really understand what that meant.

That made her tilt her head, there was absolutely no way that this man was out buying condoms if he had no current use for them, "Well, then..." He watched her as she readjusted the straps of her dress, it was obvious she was trying to distract herself, "Why are you buying... condoms?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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