All good things end.

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Hannah's POV-
I was eating my cheese toastie whilst sitting next to Michael. Michael finished first as he's quite a fast eater. "Im going to go find Calum and Ashton." He said whilst getting up i replied with "ok." i was left alone eating my cheese toastie so i pulled my Ds out of my jacket and saw the green LED light flashing which means i have someone on street pass! Which is great! Anyway once i was finished i put the dishes in the dish washer. I then put my Ds back in my pocket and walked to the mancave. i heard Michael talking to Calum and Ashton i stopped by the doorway when i heard Michael's voice saying "Hannah drives me crazy i just want to be alone for a little while. The eyebrow thing was cute but its a bit creepy don't you think? Also i hate the way she gets over obsessive with winning on mario kart."
If he wanted to be alone thats what i would give him. I walked out of the apartment and went to the same park that me and Michael had gone to earlier only it was darker now and i had to keep avoiding drunk people as i didn't want any trouble. I got to the same clearing with the massive tree and bushes that me and Michael had been at earlier. the only differences were i wasnt with Michael, it was dark and there were about 3 men beating up a guy. As i hate seeing people get punched over and over,I walked over and said "what the hell do you think you are doing?" At which point i knew this was probably the worst decision i had ever made because the guys turned to me.

Michaels POV -
I walked out of the man cave and went back to the kitchen to find Hannah. The plates were gone and so was Hannah, she probably went to speak to Lydia and Luke. I walked to Luke's room which i envy quite a lot as its bigger than mine. To find Lydia and luke play fighting but no Hannah. I interrupted the two of them by asking "have you seen Hannah?"
They both shook their heads and Lydia said "not since the bathroom earlier why?"
"I think she may of gone out... Probably to get some more cheese." I said
"But michael its really late and we are in London and Hannah has a lot of sense." Lydia replied
Okay i was starting to panic now what if something has happened to her and we wont know? Luke just stared at me blankly and i looked down at the brown floor. "We will stay up till she comes back. if shes not back by tomorrow we will try and find her. Wait did she take her phone?" Lydia said hopefully.
"No. Her phones here." i replied.
"Lydia got get some sleep its my fault. I'm going to go for a walk. see you later." I said walking out the door.
I followed the familiar path to the park and went to the clearing with the big maple tree and the surrounding bushes that me and Hannah had gone to the day before. i walked whilst listening to pour some sugar on me. When i got to the clearing I half expected to see Hannah sat there playing her Ds but of course she wasn't. I sat down near one of the bushes but felt a shoe rub against my back. I turned around to see black converse staring back at me, only when i looked more closely i saw that jeans were tucked over the top of them and they were double knotted. exactly how Hannah wears them. I got up and tried to see what was in the bush. To find what i had feared the most, Hannah wide eyed, not breathing, with a ripped jacket, torn shirt and trousers and with a scarlet red stain on her shirt where her stomach is. i tried not to break down. i checked if the blood was fresh but it was all crusty like she had been left here for hours i moved her shirt to find a big hole that had lots of blood pouring out of it. I tried to remain calm and shakily took my phone out of my pocket and phoned Lydia. "hello?" She answered.
"L-Lydia come quickly I'm at the park i willsend you my location i have found Hannah. quickly please. i don't know what to do." i replied
"Ok I'm on my way. Michael- is she alright?" She asked sounding relieved.
"No." i said at which point i broke down i couldn't hold it anymore . i couldn't help it.
A few minutes later- i heard Lydia and Luke shouting my name so i quickly got up and tried to dry my tears away. Lydia spotted me and came running over with Luke following close behind. only they both stopped when they saw blood on my hands and tears falling freely down my face. I went back into the terrible stinking death bush, leant down and closed Hannah's eyes with my fingers and kissed her on the forehead. Even though shes dead i still felt the same old butterflies. I walked out of the bush carrying Hannah bridal style in my arms. Luke was holding Lydia in his arms whilst they sat on the bench and cried together. Lydia looked up at me and saw Hannah and hid her face in her hands crying extremely loudly. I finally knew what i had to do and rang the police and told them my situation and where we were. Luke looked up at me and looked so fucking sympathetic i literally did not need sympathy i needed Hannah. The only thing i couldn't have. The police soon turned up and asked many questions. Lydia was now able to speak and she was answering questions with Luke who was holding her firmly around the waist. I then was sick everywhere and the thoughts of finding Hannah were playing back in my head. The police woman sat me down on the bench and asked me to show her where i found her. I led her over to the bush which had sick in as i was sick there also. I hadn't checked the floor when i moved her but now i saw a long sharp knife which needs a wash hiding under the bed of leaves and a polaroid picture. "can i look at the picture?" I asked the woman who's name was Helen. She said "yes but don't touch that knife." I picked up the picture and flipped it over to find a picture of me and Hannah that Calum took the first night when we were in the mancave.
4 hours later-
After the police had got answers for the questions we went back to the apartment and told the others. Ashton and Calum looked very shocked but they didn't cry. Ashton broke the silence by saying "me and Calum are dating. This isn't the best timing i know. but its better for you to know..."
Lydia and luke and me laughed and said "We all knew that was going to happen sooner or later."
I left the room and dialled the number for Hannah's parents. her mum picked up and i said "Hello Mrs Johnson. Im assuming you have heard the news.. I'm really sorry.. if theres anything i can do please ask..?"
She replied between sobs saying "yes- and Michael i want you to know two things. one it isn't your fault and thank god you found her else look where we would be.. I would like for you to attend the funeral. if you would?"
"Yes of course i will. Hannah would've liked that." I let out a small giggle and Hannah's mum returned the laugh. it was small but i appreciated it. When i got off the phone i went to the bathroom locked the door sat down with my back against the door and cried.

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