Chapter I: Where it all Started

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a suit. It was a suit that I'd wanted to wear for a while, however, I was fat and couldn't fit into it. However, now, I had a way better figure, and this suit that I had wanted to wear for a while finally fit me. I was happy about this. Many people think that only women deal with the problem of having to lose a lot of weight to fit into the clothes they like, but, this is far from the truth.

I prepared myself fully for my first working day. I signed up for a job at a site I saw. It was a position I always wanted to have, but never thought I could. I had all the needed experience, and submitted my resume. Today was the day of my job interview. With a convincing resume and a charming character, I knew that I would get this job.

After doing all my morning activities, I went outside, got in my car, and drove to my future workplace. I walked inside the building and was greeted by a woman in an office outfit. She said: "Greetings, cadet! Adjutant Zhaoqiong on duty. If you are looking for the Chairman, he is on the office down the hallway on the final floor." I thanked Adjutant Zhaoqiong for her instructions and made my way to the elevator. I ascended to the final floor and proceeded down the hallway until I found the Chairman's office.

I went inside his office. I saw that he was a middle-aged Asian man in a military uniform. Upon seeing me, he said in an obviously fake British accent: "Why hello there, dear gentleman! Sit down. I have some questions to ask you." I sat down, and had my job interview.

After the interview, he said: "You are accepted for the job of Senior Engineer! I am Chairman Hanwei. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me! I will always answer any questions."

I left Chairman Hanwei's office. As I was walking down the hallway, I bumped into someone. It was a woman, wearing a pantsuit. She said: "Oh...Sorry for that, cadet. Adjutant Miao Shan on duty. If you require assistance, talk to Adjutant Zhaoqiong. If you require training or equipment, feel free to come to me for help."

Wait. Why are Zhaoqiong and Miao Shan 'adjutants'? I didn't know that pharmaceutical companies like the Legendary Legion had adjutants. Also, why are the adjutants calling me 'cadet'? That's pretty odd.

I was told that I would get my own office. It would be on the 12th floor of the building, the first office in the hallway. So, I went to the 12th floor on the elevator. I entered the first office. It was completely empty, except a window. Adjutant Miao Shan entered the office. She said: "Cadet, this is your office. I'll bring any furniture you want to place. I told her which furniture I wanted, and where to place it. I left the office for a while. When I returned, I saw that Miao Shan had placed everything that I wanted where I wanted, including the chandelier. Upon seeing me, she said: "Work's done, cadet. Hope you like it! I certainly do. Too bad Chairman Hanwei doesn't give adjutants their own offices. If he would've, I would've liked an office similar to this one!" I told her that I liked the office. She was happy. She asked me: "By the way, cadet, would you like some tea? Tea time is important! Tea makes you happy and gives you energy for the day, especially Record Keeper Kaushik's tea. Although, what he drinks can't really be considered tea. About your tea, would you like black tea, black milk tea, green tea, green milk tea, or oolong tea?" I said that I wanted some ordinary sweet black tea. Miao Shan brought me the tea. I drank it and told her I liked it. In response, she said: "That is very good. I am glad you like it, cadet. I always do my best to help cadets, and, when I am repaid with gratitude, that makes me very happy." I was happy that I made Miao Shan happy. After she left, I began my work. That was a nice first day of work.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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