Chapter 1

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It was a just a normal day when Amanda's mom said that she had to find a job

Amanda: but mom I was going to hang out with Violet today

Amanda's mom: you're not doing none of that until u find a job, u are old enough to get a job now so go

And with that Amanda left her house angry as hell that she couldn't hang out with her best friend, when she couldn't find one Violet passed by and saw her.

Violet: *runs to Amanda* hey Amanda how's it going?

Amanda: not good

Violet: why

Amanda: because of my stupid mother

Violet: what she do?

Amanda: *sighs* she wants me to find a job

Violet: *chuckles* is that all

Amanda: what are you talking about, u don't even have a job

Violet: uh yea I do

Amanda: OK and what is this 'job'

Violet: my uncles pizzeria

Amanda: your saying that your getting paid to serve pizza

Violet: well duh

Amanda: can I apply for a job?

Violet: sure c'mon

As Amanda and violet walking to the pizzeria, golden Freddy/Gina was watching over them and had an idea of who Bonn and Freddy should be

Later at the pizzeria...

Amanda: Violet you never told me that your uncle was the owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.

Violet: well I did say I work at a pizzeria

Amanda: yea but not this pizzeria

Violet: so c'mon

When they walked in the pizzeria Violet was looking for her uncle while Amanda was looking at the animatronics

Amanda: hey violet

Violet: yea

Amanda: Freddy was my favorite when we used to come here as little kids

Violet: yea I know, Bonnie was and still is my favorite

Amanda: same goes for Freddy, so what did your uncle say about the job

Violet: actually I couldn't find my uncle which is weird since he's always here *worried* I'm worried about him can you help me find him

Amanda: sure

When the girls were trying to find Violet's uncle they came across his office.

Amanda: hey violet did you check in here

Violet: uh.....not really

Amanda: are you serious

Violet: what, he doesn't a lot a time in there it's more likely as an empty room with a desk

Amanda: well you never know, maybe he's just sleeping or something

Violet: like I said, he never spends any time in there

Amanda: you sure

Violet: yes I'm sure, look you don't believe me fine *opens the door* look nothing her-

Gina: *sitting on the desk*oh hello kids

Violet: who are you?

Gina: oh I'm Gina your uncle's assistant who are you

Amanda: Violet was going to ask her uncle if I can have a job

Gina: sure

Amanda: REALLY

Violet: wait hold on, aren't you supposed to interview her

Gina: no she good, besides you both look like besties to me *smiles*

Violet: yea we are

Gina: so there won't be a problem, OK now go run off or play *smiles* oh and your start tomorrow OK

Violet: OK c'mon Amanda

Amanda: bye and thanks for the job

Gina: no problem sweetie *smiles*


That was horrible, I never knew your face could hurt from smiling so much. I had to keep up the act so the girls could fall in my trap, i was walking to the closet and opened the closet door to see the owner, i tied him up and tapped his mouth, when i untapped his mouth he had an attitude which i understood given by his state but also annoyed i think that was a little side effect from the magic

Violet's uncle/owner: what do you want you bitch

Gina: now is that anyway to talk to a lady

Owner: you are no lady, your a witch

Gina: *slapped the owner* you know your lucky i want you alive

Owner: why

Gina: because i want you to see your face when i kill your niece and her little friends *smirks*

Owner: no please don't take her, i'll give you anything you want please just don't hurt her or her friend

Gina: oh really and what would you give me

Owner: anything, just don't hurt them

Gina: yea right, what i want you can't give me

Owner: i swear i'll give it to you, just don't hurt them please!

Gina:i want the guy that killed those poor five kids dead

Owner: you mean the five missing kids

Gina: yes *crying a little*

Owner: oh i'm sorry but why do you care, i mean that happened a long time ago

Gina: *slapped the owner* DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT AGAIN! *sighs* look your niece and her friend souls will be safe with me, nothing will happen to them ok

Owner: what do you mean by souls?

Gina: you know for a man your age your stupid, i just need your niece and her friends body

Owner: *sighs*fine

Gina: really, your just going to hand her over like that

Owner: on one contention

Gina: and what's that

Owner: if you can actually get her to say yes to hand over her body then i guess i will accept it

Gina: *shocked* your actually going to let your niece make the choice

Owner: she is a big girl, i mean she's old enough to have a job so i think she could be old enough to make her own choices

Gina: so that's it if i get your niece to say yes to give up her body, you won't have no problem with it and get in my way

Owner: yes , and 'if' she says yes, then i want her soul to be next to me

Gina: their souls will be in magic jars so i guess i can do that it's a deal then

Owner: yes, it's......a deal *looks away ashamed*

Gina: oh don't worry i'll take good care of them *smirks and leaves*

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