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Chapter 1


It was winter mid January and the wind blowing outside my apartment wanted me to return back to my warm blankets and just sleep my days away snuggling with my Teddies. But sadly I can't be late again or my friend Amber was going to kill me especially on the first day of school. She knew that I loved sleeping in so she would call me the moment she woke up, just for her to avoid giving me an ear full about being late. It was a very habit that I was trying very hard to get rid of but for some reason it was super hard.

  Amber, Aurora and I have really grown over the past year. I could say they are my sisters from another mother. The first time I  met Amber , I was late to my morning lecture and she was just out of the Dean's office. She was beautiful petite girl with hair as brown as chocolate, she had amber eyes that you could get lost in and her little button nose .She was looking for her first class and it so happened we had the same one. When we walked in the lecture hall the only sits that were open were next to Aurora who was also petite but well toned with a body to die for. She had ginger hair that complimented her milky skin tone with a cute button nose with pools of eyes that were so brown you couldn't look away. Where as I was thick but also toned with  dark caramel skin ,with brown hair that had natural thick curles with eyes that were hazel and a few freckles on my cute button nose and cheekbones that popped out. We have been inseparable ever since we met, the rest is history.

As I was walking out of my apartment my phone started ringing. I was dreading to answer it because I could already hear her voice ." You told me to wake you up, but yet you are still late Jessie! You know how impatient Aurora gets!" But I also new that me not answering her call will drive them even more mad.
" I'm on my way I'm just locking up..." I could hear distinct voice of Aurora shouting at how it's the last time they are waiting for me. As if I haven't heard that before. No matter how many times they threatened to leave me behind- almost every day, they never really did. " If you are not at the Cafe in 5 minutes, we are leaving without you". Said Amber. She knew how much I hated walking alone into the lecture hall. The Cafe was 3 minutes away from my apartment. That gave me enough time. Before I could respond she hang up on me. 

The sun was just trying to get out of the clouds but the wind was still ferocious. My nose was turning into a popsicle and I could feel that tge shade of my cheeks and ears was changing to red like tomato. The wind was blowing through my ponytail and for a moment it felt refreshing.
The door of the Cafe chimed as I opened it, the place was packed with students trying to get their fill of Jack's addictive caffeine. It was the popular spot amongst our peers.

I could see my friends walking towards me from the table in the back. As I walked past the counter I greated Mary, Jack's wife they have been married for 15 years.She was a women in her early thirties, she was petite and was a ball full of energy,positivity and love. She had a blonde hair with eyes so blue they could peirce into your soul.I had met her and her husband Jack a few days into my freshman year. They were practically my parents. Her and Jack made me believe in love, that maybe just maybe out there there is someone just for me. "Good morning Bunny, the girls have already taken your shot for the day." Said Mary smiling at me.  " Good morning Mary, Hsvens know I need it." I said with a smile.
The moment the girls saw me they started walking towards me and I could see that they weren't happy with me.the moment they were two feet away Amber started repremanding. " It's the last time we wait for you. You know how Mr Stevens get when you are late for he's lecture." Mr Stevens was a man in he's late fifties with gray hair and a bit of bold spot. He had rinkles and you could see that in he's earlier years he was very handsome.  He was the first lecture of the day, I totally understand him I mean I would be grumpy too if I had to wake up early to teach Trade a subject you could just study at the comfort of you room. I would rather be sleeping than be there.
" I know, I know... I couldn't find my keys." I laughed nervously knowing very well that they didn't buy my lie. Amber handed me my coffee and we started walking out of the warm comfort of the Cafe to the very windy and cold morning.
As we walked into the lecture hall we were thankful that Mr Stevens hadn't started yet. We sat done in the middle of the lecture hall, our usual sits. " Good morning class, welcome to the new year of school. Since you are second years we are just going to write a mini quiz in the next few weeks to see if you still remember the work of last year. Now I know..." before Mr Stevens could finish he's introduction the door opened and we all looked to the door to see who would dare walk in late in one of the feared lectures on campus.

The face of the person that walked in was not familiar but boy did he look good. He was tall about six feet two, he was well built like a rugby player.Had a neat beard that popped out he's features, with lips that would make any women wet her panties in a very good way . I could smell he's saint from across the room and it was very intoxicating. He looked around the room like he was looking for someone and when he saw me he's eyes light up.no care in the world as he's eyes were scanning the class for a place to sit. " Take all the time you need sir." Said Mr Stevens. From where I was sitting I could see the steam coming out of he's ears. He just nodded at Mr Stevens and walked towards he's sit. He was walking towards me. The butterflies in my stomach exploded and I could feel a beat of sweat forming on my forehead. He sat down next to me and he engulfed me in he's saint. I could feel myself getting light weighted.' Keep it together Jessie!!! Keep it together.'  He was starting at me I could see he's lips moving but couldn't hear a thing.
In my moment of weakness I just smiled and looked forward. Mr stevens was going on and on about the plan for this semester and all my mind could focus on was this specimen seating next to me.

" Jessie! Jessica!!" Aurora was calling my name. " Yeah...?" I responded trying to act like I have been listening to her." You are drooling."  She said,  giggling."  May we go grab something to eat at the cafeteria before our next class." She whispered in between giggles . I could feel my ears and cheeks get flushed. I probably look like a tomato. " No , I'm not..!" Trying to whisper back.
Before we knew it the class was over and it was time to go feed my body.

We had  decided to go to the cafeteria because we knew that once we left the campus it was gonna be hard to return especially in this cold.
I could feel something scratching inside of me wanting to be led out. My mind kept on thinking back to that boy in the first class and it annoyed me because I had a habit of falling too quickly in love only for me to find out  the person is actually a jackass. " You are awfully quiet today. Everything alright?", asked Aurora. I didn't wanna tell then the emotions I was feeling so, I lied.  " I'm still thinking of my bed and it's warmth. It's damn cold today " I answered. " If you had it your way you would spend the rest of your days sleeping." Said Amber laughing.

We got to the cafeteria and the place was filled with students trying to grab something to eat. The very same saint from the lecture hall engulfedme and I wanted very badly to followit to it source. " Don't you think we should have just went to the Cafe. I don't wanna wait in line especially when I'm this hungry. " as I said that my stomach began to grumbling. The girls laughed to that. " I don't think your stomach can wait that long." Said I could feel  that someone was staring at me and that feeling of having an itch that needs to be scratched returned and I could feel goosebumps forming on my skin.  I wanted to know who that person was so I kept looking around the cafeteria toning the voices around me. There he was sitting on a table on the far side of the cafeteria  he was sitting with gorgeous people it was two guys that looked like twins who had blonde hair and blue eyes and on their hips were two girls,  the other one looked like a neird but super beautiful she also had blonde hair with brown highlights and green eyes. The other one was a brunette with hazel eyes. But the moment my eyes laid on him it was like we were the only ones in the cafeteria. I felt that nudge inside me again and every bone in my body wanted to go to him and be with him in ways never seen before. He growled. Wait!!! He growled !!? Maybe I didn't hear correctly, definitely I mean a human being can't growl right!! It must have been my ears.I looked to the girls to see if they heard it but nope they didn't even realise the encounter that took place between me and that mysterious boy. They were busy talking about the party that was going to take place and about how we should all look for outfits already.
Once we got our food we went down to sit. I looked up from my seat to look at the mysterious boy but he was not there, he had left. My heart broke a little and I was already looking forward to seeing him again. One could never get enough of seeing such a face.
I decided to take my mind of him and just enjoy my food.The food was heaven,  if it's three things I love is my bed ,food and a good pair of shoes. I had decided to have beef burger with a side of fries and boy did I make a good decision.
We left to go to the next lecture.

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