chapter 2

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I found that I had over a hundred views. 90 likes, 10 dislikes. It doesn't seem like much, but for a first video it is. And I had like 40 comments. 5 of them being from big YouTubers.
ConnorFranta- "You're hilarious. Can't wait to see your video on Wednesday. Oh and by the way I shared your video with all of the guys in O2L and a few of my friends and on twitter. (x"
TylerOakley- "Girl, you're fabulous!"
JennXPenn- "I see some competiition a brewing. JK I think we can become YouTube buddies though. Maybe after you upload some more videos we can do a collab or something? Maybe."
Janoskians- "You're hilarious. The boys and I watched the video and say we can't wait to see what you do with the rest of your videos. We can tell you're gonna be crazy n hilarious.
JcCaylen- "You're beautiful. And hilarious. I can't wait til Wednesday."
HOLY SMOKES! Connor tweeted me and said I was hilarious, Tyler said I was fab, Jenn wants to do a collab, Beau put a heart in front of his name and Jc said I was beautiful! My life is slowly fading right now! Then I went to go check out how many subscribers I had and that's when I heard a knock on my front door and my doorbell going off a million times. I looked at my subscribers, 69, and giggled and walked to the front door to see Olivia and Rylan.
Rylan spoke, "Honey Boo Boo, hows you video coming along?"
"Why don't you all come and see for yourselves?"
They got on my laptop and looked at everything I just had looked at and started freaking out. I couldn't tell what was coming from who.
"Oh my gosh that SO MANY VIEEWWWS!"
We all started laughing and jumping around excitedly.
We got back from the mall with a bunch of pictures and shoes and clothes. We could smell the food my mom had cooked.
My mom was in the kitchen which was right next to the front door and she started speaking, "So how was your day Haylee?"
"Really good mom. Super good actually."
"Why is that?"
"I made my first YouTube video and a few of my fave YouTubers saw it! And they liked it!!!"
"Sounds exciting sweety! Good thing I made you favorite..."
"Home made pizzas and caesar salad?"
She smiled and then looked at Rylan and Olivia, "How about you two, how have you been?"
Olivia smiled back at her, "Really good. My parents are out of town and I'm staying with Rylan all spring break and now I'm at my second mom's house."
She ran up and hugged my mom. My mom giggled and hugged back. Then Rylan answered the same question, "Well I'm just genrally excited that it's spring break and I get to hang out with my best friends and my other mother."
We laughed and we took everything upstairs to my room and sat on my king sized bed.
Rylan started jumping on the bed, "I can't believe your gonna be like the YouTubers we watch and look up to."
Olivia, "Our best friend is gonna be famous."
I smiled at them, "I don't know about all that marble, but maybe."
Rylan continued to jump and Olivia and I got on our phones. I got on twitter and noticed I gained a hundred followers in the past three hours. And that I had a couple DMs.
One was from Beau and one was from Jc. My poor life is struggling with this. Haha.
I read Beau's first.
"Hey. Just wanted to say we should chat sometime. We'll start on here & maybe turn to texting. maybe I can help u with vid ideas? Can't wait to see ur vid Wednesday."
What did I just read? Beau wants us to text in the future...Now on to Jc's.
"Aye text me: xxx-xxx-xxxx I'm trusting you wont give my # out. Hear from you when you text. (;"
His number AND a flirty face at the end of the message. I immediately saved his number in my phone and texted him.
Me: Aye this is Haylee. AyReyBae? Is this Jc?
A couple minutes later I got a reply.
Jc: Yea. Hey Haylee. What's up?
Me: Just hanging with my best friends. Excited about my 1st vid. Nd you?
Jc: Nothing now besides texting you and chillen on the couch with Connor. I've been waiting for you to text for an hour.
What? He's. Been waiting on. Me? This is too unreal.
Me: Awwww. I went celebration shopping with the girls. Girly I know, but whatever. lol
Jc: Haha. Connor says hi.
Me: Tell him I said hi and he is wonderful for sharing my video.
Jc: He said it was his honor.
Me: XD So... you said I was beautiful??
Then I heard mom yelling from downstairs, "Dinner is done! Leave your phones upstairs!"
I locked my phone and set it on my dresser on the way out my door. The girls did the same.

We chowed down on the pizza and salad and then we all went in the living room and watched "The Final" on netflix. Freakkkyyy. So after the movie we all talked for a little bit and about 9:30pm Olivia, Rylan and I went back upstairs. We all grabbed our phones and checked eveything on it. I had four unread messages from Jc.
Jc: Well for 1 you are. And 2 you basically said you weren't in your video. I had to make sure you knew you were lying to youself.
Jc: Hello?
Jc: You there?
Jc: Elllllllllllllloooooooooooooo?
I smiled at my phone and replied.
Me: Sorry had to go eat dinner and then we watched a movie.
Jc: It's fine. I ended up doing the same. Well The guys and I are doing something. Hope u have fun w/ ur friends.
Me: I will and im sure u will too. Night.
Jc: Night (:
I smiled at my phone. and I heard a voice, "Earth to goofy looking Haylee."
It was Rylan, of course. And then Olivia asked smiling, "Whatchya smiling at?"
I blushed a little and replied, "Jc Caylen sorta gave me his number and we've been texting."
They both got shocked/excited faces and then Rylan started getting this evilish smile on her face, " You mean 'sexiest man alive' Jc? The one you said you wanted to make babies with?"
"HEEYYY! He IS the sexiest man alive, or at least tied with the Brooks brothers and Connor, and YOU'RE the one who put the idea that me and Jc would make cute babies in my head!"
After I finished I realized how silly I sounded and burst out laughing. We all began laughing. I showed th girls the texts and they were ooooo'ing and awwwww'ing. We then began on another conversation that Olivia began, "Guys I gotta tell you all something."
Both me and Rylan responded exitedly, "Go on."
"Well... I've been talking to this girl in my Calculus class since the beginning of the year and before spring break she asked me out. And on Friday after school, I went on a date with her and now were dating."
Rylan and I started squealing. This is Olivia's first girlfriend. I was excited for her. She showed us a picture of her and the girl named Fiona. They looked adorable. After that we played never have I ever until 3 am.
The next day I woke up at aound 12 and I was the first up. Then I realized I had to be at practice at 1:30. I grabbed phone and saw I had a message from three hours ago.
Jc: Goodmorning.
I smiled.
Me: Goodmorning to you also, except wait it's after noon now. haha I just woke up.
Jc: Went to bed late?
Me Yeah.
Jc How would you feel if I said I got something for you?
Me: I would be happy but confused since we just met... Why?
What was he going with this? We just met.
Jc: Well... I thought about how awesome it would be to get to know you in person and was talking about it w/ the guys & they agreed.& Ricky said maybe I should get u some tickets for Vidcon and well yea.
Did he say what I think he said?
Me: Did you get me tickets to VidCon?
Jc:Yea. I got 3 for you.
Me: You shouldn't have. I was gonna get some myself. But Thank you!
Jc: I just wanted to make sure you were going. (:
Me: aww
If I could just randomly kiss him. I would have. Why is he being so sweet to me?
Jc: yeah(:
Crap. I still have to get ready and I wasted five minutes texting. I ran downstairs and grabbed an apple and literally ate the crap outta of that apple.
Jc: You there?
Me: I have to get ready for soccer practice. Running late. Txt u later.
I took a quick shower and changed in my uniform and put my hair up in a bun. I looked at the time and It was 12:45 I had to leave in 15 minutes to make it on time. I went up stairs to see the girls were still sleeping. I jumped on top of them and screamed, "15 MINUTES TO GET READY RUSH LIKE YOURE GOING TO A ONE DIRECTION CONCERT!!!!"
The girls grabbed some clothes and ran in to two diferent bathrooms. I grabbed my camera and sat it on my dresser and began my video.
"What's up YouTube World. Haylee here. I'm in my room for the first part of this video andI bet you notice something different about me.... I'm in a soccer uniform. My first video is gonna take place at my practice. And we're running late we have to leave in 15 minutes and the girls just woke up and woke up not too long ago.Well the next time I see you will be in the car."
I turned off my camera.
In the car I pulled out my camera and put it on the dash and turned it on. I was in the passenger seat.
"So we're in the car driving to my practice. My two camera men and best friends Olivia..." She come up over my shoulder and waved, "And Rylan." I turned the camera towards her and she said, "Hello my people."
Then I continued, "I decided you can hear us weirdos conversations in the car."
Then Best Song Ever by One Direction came on and we all burst out singing and then we all started a conversation on hot dogs and how we liked our "weiners." Childish yes, but it's nothing but being ourselves. The rest of the car ride we just sung along to random songs and finally I looked at my camera and said, "Well we're almost at the field, so I guess I will see you there."
I turned off my camera and the car came to a stop. I hopped out of the car and ran to the field because the clock in the car said 1:27pm. My teammates had no idea what was coming....

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