Chapter 2

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10:30 PM

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10:30 PM

The car honked, then honked again, then again, until an irritated looking boy ran out wearing a simple white hoodie and jeans.

"Alright! I get it, your here, you don't gotta honk fifty billion times." The boy said irritated. Jack then honked one extra time for good measure. The boy, Matthew, shot him a look that said 'I want to kill you, violently.' at that Jack laughed. Matthew walked around the car and sat in the passenger seat next to him, setting down a white mask next to the seat so he could buckle.

After having buckled, he put on the white mask and said "My mask looks really cool!" He exclaimed bragging. "Unlike yours." He said referring to Jack's brown paper-bag mask where he spent 30 seconds drawing a toddler level mouth with pointy teeth on.

"What the Frick are you talking about, my mask is a masterpiece! My mask looks AMAZING!" He said with a voice that displayed how insulted he was with Matthew's comment.

"Just looking at it hurts my eyes" Matthew said plainly as though he thought it was a fact. The drive to their destination was uneventful. During the ride they had a deep and serious conversation about McDonalds discussing whether McDonalds chicken nuggets were better or if the burgers were. (Chicken Nuggets won. Obviously)

Jack stepped out of the car wearing his cheap paper-bag mask, Matthew walked out too. Time to patrol. Every other day Jack, Matthew and normally some of his other friends like Liam, Frank and Thomas, sometimes Lucas would help if they paid him, would patrol the city because it was a major hot-spot for crimes to happen, you couldn't go two days without there being at least 5 new news reports for new crimes happening, even in a small area of the city. So Frank had convinced all of his friends to try to put a stop to this, being the very persuasive and optimistic person he was, he also explained how very, very, sure he was that they could save the town themselves, how they could be heroes. Looking back at it now, Jack was confused on how Franks dumb little speech managed to convince them.

A Few Minutes Later...

Jack and Matthew had split up to cover more ground, they weren't very worried about being overpowered by criminals and not having any backup because the chance that they would run into crime being committed by people actually powerful were slim. Criminals who were actually powerful tended to be in gangs or lead them, but the gangs in this area were sadly, actually smart. They didn't commit crimes on the streets like normal criminals, they had secret bases and had other ways to collect victims.

Jack had been walking and walking, not even paying attention to patrolling, he was too busy thinking about his horrible life choices until a loud shout distracted him of his thoughts.

"I DON'T HAVE ANY MORE MONEY!" The man had shouted. He turned to look where it came from. He couldn't see anything but he knew he had heard it come from the alleyway across the road next to him. he ran as quietly as he could across the street to get to the alley.

"QUIET" Another man said in a whisper-yell. "I know you have more, so give it up!" the man said again. Jack still couldn't see what was going on because of the how dark the alley was. Jack slowly reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone and his mask. He quietly put on his mask. He then, after knowing his face was fully concealed by the mask, turned the flashlight on his phone on and pointed into the alley. Finally, he could see the situation.

Noticing the light the man stood up and faced Jack.

"What's going on here?" Jack asked the man accusingly.

"Nothin' a kid like yous gotta know." The man told Jack, "So leave. Or I'll make you" He threatened.

"Try it" Jack taunted, smiling as the man's face turned angry and he glared at him. "I dare you." Jack said.

"Oh your gonna regret this kid," The man said, laughing angrily, as though he knew he was gonna teach this annoying kid a lesson. In fact he did think he was gonna teach this annoying kid a lesson. But he was very wrong.

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