chapter 12

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Harrison's POV

"I'm sorry babe" I tell her. I still can't believe she would do that to you!!
"Its okay...." We sit there in my room on my bed.
I get closer to her and pull her towards me.
"I really am" I reply.
"Yeah, yeah I know" she smiled at me.
I swing her underneath me. We kiss and roll around wrestling in the sheets.
Then we run to her jeep and I drive her some where.
"Why am I blind folded!" She squeled in a laugh.
"Somewhere babe, somewhere." I lean over the console and kiss her.
She hears a muffled voice.
"Welcome to Starbucks. May I take your order?"
She immediately threw the blind fold off and ordered a Grande Chocolate Chip Frape.
"Is that all?" She looks at me.
"I'll have a green tea please."
"Okay your total will be $10.58"

We drive home and finish our drinks.
I throw her on the bed and kiss her all over again. She bites her lip and pulls me in closer.
I play with her long blonde hair.
"How did this even happen?" I mumble.
She replies with, " cause I fell for you and you ended up falling right back"
She was blushing at this point.

We fell asleep and she started squirming.
"Woah there little horsey" I grabbed her and pulled her close.
Her head laid on my chest and she fell into an even deeper sleep.
I stroked her hair and kissed her forehead.
"I love you Harry" she whispered.
"I love you too May..."
And then I fell asleep.
Apparently I ended up touching May a lot in my sleep.

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