Our Song

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it's been three days since what happened between me and jack and let me give yall a quick little update, so after me and Jack did what we did we both agreed to focus on the song from now on and for those three days anytime we were together it was to work on our song but the problem is there is so much sexual tension between us and it didn't help the way he would look at me when we would listen to our song together and the way our voices sounded so well together on our new song. I woke up every day excited to work with him on our song and today we would be in the studio alone because Ioki wanted to give us a day alone in the studio to make sure we really liked the song. 

"Play that part one more time please Jack" I said biting my nail looking toward him 

"yeah" he nodded his head playing back the part I asked him 

the music played back and this was my 4th time listening to the part of the song something about it was off and I couldn't tell exactly what it is 

"something sounds weird," I said frowning my face and looking at him 

"yeah I hear it too maybe we can call Ioki in" Jack said looking down focused 

"yeah" I said looking at him 

we sat there in silence until I went to go grab my phone to call Ioki

"On second thought maybe we can do it ourselves I mean this is his day off" Jack said looking toward me 

"you're right I think we can figure this out" I said getting up and walking over towards him 

we both sit down by the controls and play the song again we listen to the part that sounded effy and after a few times hearing it I finally knew what was wrong 

"it's the beat it needs to be lower do you know how to fix it" I said looking toward him 

"Mhm yeah" he said moving his hands on the control panel

 I had no clue how this thing worked and I was surprised that Jack knew I watched as his hands fiddled with the controls and it was the most attractive thing watching him he had a focused expression on his face his eyes were narrowed and focused on what he was doing his longs fingers would wrap around different knobs and click different buttons as he would click buttons fixing the beat his head would bob slightly and watching his curls bounce with his movement it was so cute yet so hot 

"There we go" Jack said smiling looking at me 

I snapped out of my thoughts realizing Jack was looking at me 

"See we didn't need Ioki" Jack said looking at my lips and then my eyes

"yup we figured it out ourselves" I said looking at his lips 

"Yeah cause we are a good team" Jack said leaning in closer smiling while looking at my lips 

"Yeah a really good team" I said smiling 

he was leaning smiling slightly looking down at my lips but before he could kiss me I put my finger up against his lips

"I want to listen to the song again" I said smirking

he looked at me starting to smirk and let out a groan 

"ugh you play too much" he said laughing 

he turned back and pressed play letting our song fill my ears. It was good it had a good beat with good singing and rapping, it wasn't too much it was chill and nice to listen to. It was about being friends with benefits with someone and I honestly thought that was perfect for us we both knew what it was like to be and feel each other and I wanted to write that into a song and it came out exactly how I wanted it. 

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