Chapter 14 (Straub's View)

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Jake is trying to persuade Bee back into his trap. I don't know if she is falling for him. This is my problem. He is trying to win her love back with gifts and love notes. I mean come on dude! You cheated on her! Get her something better than a basket with candy in it. At least get her something better than that. I still have a crush on Bee. If anything my love for her is stronger. I have that jealous feeling when Jake does something for Bee. It's that envious feeling. I would ask her out, but if she says no, things would be awkward. That's the main reason. Even though I think she likes me, I don't want to risk our friendship. I need help. I go to the main man, Rusher.

"Hey dude," I said.

"Sup bud!" Rusher replies.

"I kind of need your advice,"

"Here we go,"

"What? What do you mean by here we go again?"

"It is quite repetitive. You complain about Jake and then confess your love for Bee,"

"Thanks Captain Obvious, this time it is a little different,"

"Okay, what is it this time?"

"Well, Jake is trying really hard to get Bee back. It kind of makes me jealous,"

"Straub, that's so easy. Just ask Bee out!"

"Yeah I realize that option, but what if she says no!"

"Risk it! Live life on the edge dude!"

"I am still not convinced,"

"Fine dude, but you will regret it," Rusher said. That leaves a nice lasting feeling. This still doesn't change my impression about asking Bee her out. I still do not want to have that risk. Even for Bee. Maybe one day someone will change my mind. Just not today.

What To Do? {A Straubee Fanfic} Book 1 of the Straubee SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now