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Hey everyone. I am so sorry for not writing for almost a year, I have had a lot going on in my life. I am actually going to tell you guys about it because I don't want you to think I don't care about any of this when I really do.

So this is what has been going on:

In March of 2014, I was living with my aunt and finally realized that after 7 years I was getting abused. I left one day, went to a friends house, then went to live with my uncle. At that time I had updated my story and I had a binder filled with the chapters. They are all written out. After about 6 months, my uncle lost his house and I had to find a place to live. So I went to live with my friend John, but the problem there was that he didn't have WiFi so I couldn't update at that time either.

Now I am in college in South Carolina, and I really, really, REALLY want to update but I have a problem. I don't have my binder with the chapters written out. :(

BUT there is some good news. I go home in 21 days, and I will have my binder then so I will update when I get home. I promise you all. And if it isn't the first day I get back, please don't bite my head off, I want to at least have a day to get back into my life. But I do promise to have at least one chapter of each book updated, if not more

And if anyone you guys want/need to talk about any problems you maybe having or just want to chat, I am here for anything. I also want you to know that I care about you guys, even though I haven't been updating, I thought I at least owed you all an explanation as to why.

I love you guys so much.

Inbox me if any of you need to, I want to help.


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