This Land Is Your Land FACE family songfic

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The clear blue sky stretched on for miles and miles, the end nowhere to be seen. Brown hills of rock, dirt, and sand were scattered about, adding some design to the barren field. But this wasn't any old road. Or any regular road trip you take with your family.

This was a trip Mathew and Alfred would never forget. Arthur and Francis sat in front -Arthur riding shot-gun- chatting quietly amongst themselves.

"Look, Mathew! That cloud looks like..."

"A pancake... With syrup..." Mathew finished for him, leaning onto his stuffed bear, daydreaming at the thought of the breakfast.

"Oh... Well, I was going to say a waffle... But pancakes are good, too! That reminds me... Papa, when are we going to eat?" Alfred whined childishly, as Francis chuckled.

"It's only been an hour since you last ate." He chuckled, smiling back to him through the mirror.

"But, Papa! I'm kind of hungry... And it feels like longer than an hour." Alfred mumbled the last part, staring back out the window fixating on the fluffy white clouds.

This land is your land, This land is my land, From California, To the New York islands~

Arthur sighed, looking back at his two sons.

"One day, you will be able to drive down this way with your kids. You'll be able to go sight seeing, and camping, and whatever else you want." He leaned back and ruffled his sons hair. "Watch. You'll love it." He smiled at his pouting son. Alfred eventually smiled.

"Sounds fun! Right, Mattie?" Alfred looked at his brother, who was still in his 'Pancake Phase'.

"Huh... Mattie... Mattie! C'mon, talk!" Alfred poked his brothers shoulder rapidity, expecting him to respond.

"Yeah... Sounds fun." He smiled, and leaned against the window.

From the Redwood forest, To the Gulf Stream Waters,

This land was made for You and Me~

The car they drove in passed a lone sign that was placed along the side of the road. Alfred quickly read it.

"Route 66... Cool! Papa! Look!" Alfred cheered, as his parents laughed.

"Yes, son." Francis smiled at Arthur, who returned a smile. Arthur sighed and looked out the window, still smiling.

"I hope it's always like this... It's nice. Happy. Peaceful." He said.

"I agree." Francis said, still driving.

=Timeskip to sunset=

"Look at the stars! Look! They're so sparkly and the sky is so clear!" Alfred said as he ran in a small circle on the hill they were on, throwing his head back as he laughed to the sky. Mathew looked at him, and smiled to him.

"Adorable..." Arthur said as he took a picture.

As I was walking that ribbon of highway, I saw above me that endless skyway I saw below me that Golden Valley:

This land was made for you and me~

"Hehehe... look, Mattie! My marshmallow! It's all... Burned! Like Papa-dads cooking!" Alfred giggled violently, and almost fell off his chair.

"Yeah." Mathew laughed quietly as he took a bite of a s'more he was making. "But it tastes better!" He said after he swallowed his treat. Arthur made an angry face, but quickly burst into laughter. Francis followed after him along with Alfred.

"Ha! Good job, Mattie! That was so cool!" Alfred laughed out.

Finally, after they finished their snack, they sat at the edge of the small hill they rested upon.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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