Meeting His Parents.-2

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" You ready for this?", I asked Loyal as we sat outside his parent's house. " yeah let's go", he said opening his car door. He came around and opened my door and I stepped out. He opened the back door and grabbed Chris carrier while I grabbed the diaper bag. He grabbed my hand with his free hand and once we got to the door, I knocked since he wouldn't let my hand go. A man in a suit came to the door. " May I help you?", he said with a confused face. " I'm here to see my mom", Loyal said. He looked shocked and opened the door more and I walked in first then Loyal. We continued to walk in the house until we heard people. He sat Chris carrier on the couch and unbuckled his since he was getting fussy. He handed him to me and we continued to walk. " Oh my goodness, god is good, my son!", an older lady said rushing over to Loyal. " Hassan my baby", she said hugging him tight, " I missed you so much." She was getting teary eyed. " Hey ma", he said.

He hugged her again and a few tears fell from his eyes. He had me getting teary eyed. " Is this my son?", an older version of Loyal said. " Wassup pops?", they hugged and broke apart.

I just stood there rocking my son. " Oh this is my girlfriend, Alexa and our son, Christopher Hassan Charles.", He said grabbing my hand bringing me forward. His mother gasped when she saw us, " You are absolutely gorgeous Alexa, is it?", His mother said taking my hands. " Yes, its Alexa and thank you ", I said to her with the biggest smile on my face. We were tossed around all night and a lot of people wanted to hold my baby but that was a no-no. Right now I was breastfeeding him in the bathroom since I forgot to pump. There was a knock on the door, " I'm in here", I said. " Baby it's me, open the door. I got up slowly and unlocked the door and he came in and re-locked the door. " my feet her so bad, can you rub them please", I asked and he nodded. He grabbed the stool and took off my heels rubbing my feet. "So how you liking thing?", he asked. " everyone is so nice to me, so I have no problems", I said with a smile.

" I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, baby because I'm irritated as hell", he said. I gave him a confused look. " Why You looked like you were having you had a smile on your face", I said. He shook his head, " just because I smile doesn't mean I'm happy it means I'm trying not to go off", he said, " these people ask too many questions." I laughed at him and he mugged me. " Well thank you for letting me meet your parents I love you", I said as he stood up. " Your welcome and I love you too Alexa". he said bending down and gave me a peck. ..

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