Chapter 4

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Harry had woken up with a pleasant feeling after a long time. His nightmare had turned into a pleasant dream of his parents and all his loved ones just gathering on a lawn where they all just chatted and enjoyed each other's company. Though he knew that would never happen still the warm feeling it made him feel in his chest was worth it. And he had been surprised to find a blanket draped over him. He was clueless about who had covered him up. It was nice to have someone look after you.

He walked into his room and got freshened up for his first day of school starting. Ron kept urging him to get done fast or else they might end up skipping breakfast. Everything felt normal and nice for once. He had walked into the Great Hall to find Hermione already burying her nose into a book on the very first day. She had perked up on hearing Ron greet her. She waved at them and ushered them to sit beside her.

Harry had grabbed some slices of bacon and eggs with some toast. Simple yet filling he thought. As he ate he felt someone from the end of the table eyeing him. He turned and caught a beautiful pair of grey eyes looking at him. Though they averted when he had locked eyes with them, Harry could see a slight blush on their neck creeping up. It was odd how Malfoy, who would usually hold a staring competition or make a snarky remark at him but today he averted his eyes with a blush?. Harry found it odd but let it slide assuming that Malfoy must've just felt awkward for being caught red-handed all of a sudden.

Ron and Hermione were engaged in a usual banter with Hermione saying 'Ronald, eat your food with your mouth closed for the sake of heavens' and Ron continuing to do the same thing that Hermione had just nagged him for. The Great Hall was filled with chattering students. He looked around so that people wouldn't involve him in their conversation. And he definitely didn't want to get dragged into the talk Neville and Luna were having about some plant. Not being rude but he clearly had no interest in the topic.

He helped himself to some food. It had been long since he had an appetite. The house-elves made really good food but he couldn't finish his food always after the war. He watched the blonde boy leave the Great Hall. A few minutes he himself had to go to Potions class. Hermione and Ron both didn't take Potions this year so he was all alone to fend for potions. On his way, he heard whimpers and people cursing. A tiny scream was all it was, and he was rushing to the place.

He saw Malfoy being ambushed by a few fifth years. Malfoy just let them hex him while he did nothing at all to protect himself. Harry was enraged by the sight that his magic has gone haywire. The fifth years were now kneeling as if they were in some body bind, while Malfoy was on the ground looking at his wounds as small whimpers escaped his lips involuntarily. Malfoy had looked up to see a furious Harry glaring at the still bound fifth year. A part of him was quite embarrassed that he once again showed his pathetic side to Potter but he was also relieved to have been rescued though he himself thought he deserved those hexes. He couldn't do much to defend himself with the limited usage of his wand after the trials nor does the guilt in him motivate him to defend himself. He deserved all this after all he was the one who let death eaters in Hogwarts.

"I didn't sacrifice myself just so that you can be a prick and bully the weak. Malfoy can't even defend himself with his restricted wand and you found it amusing to gang up on him ?!!" Harry questioned, his voice rising with each word. Anyone who saw him can feel the anger oozing off him.

The students though in body bind still were able to speak as one of them voiced his opinion.

"He is a Death Eater. He deserves all this. " The boy justified and Draco internally agreed to him in a way. 

"Malfoy WAS a death eater and he had no choice but to take the mark against his will. The trails proved it. "  Harry enunciated.

" I spoke for him myself and I don't think anyone can be a better judge of him in this aspect. " He continued.

" Potter, let them go. It's enough" Draco finally spoke after seeing how the boys were struggling hard in body bind.

Though he would've liked to see them suffer a little longer he just wanted to escape the whole scene. So, all he did was ask Potter to let them go. He wasn't anyways much injured, maybe just a few cuts here and there, his body aching badly but he deserved is what he thought. Potter had finally released the fifth years from the body bind and soon those boys scrambled away. Potter had stretched his arm out for helping Draco. But, the Malfoy pride in him stopped him from taking the helping hand. He stood up though it ached so bad and dusted his clothes off.

" I don't need your Saviour arse to come to help me. I can manage myself. " Malfoy spit his words as he put his Malfoy pride disguise back on.

" With your wand, there is no chance. And don't give yourself so much credit, Malfoy. I did it cause I didn't die back then just for them to be still fighting over differences. "  Potter said.

His heart ached a little at the harshness of Potter's words. But, he feigned as if he hadn't felt that slight pain. He sneered back at Potter before he left the place. He didn't want to deal with Potter and his complicated feelings.

Malfoy and his stupid pride. Hmph.

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