Part 7

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he then saw miguel with sam hugging. he then hid so they didnt see him so they went to him and said "oh hey Mr. larruso how are you doing""uh pretty good you guys wanna come home with me now""yes please its really cold out here"so daniel miguel and sam all got into mr Larruso car and drove to the larusso houshold and amanda opened the door for them .


WEEKS LATER Miguels hair started to grow back and he died his hair to blue like hawks in cks1 and he got his self confidence back and he was planning to get revenge on johnny and kreese so he snuck out of his room at midnight and rode his bike to the cobra kai dojo ready to kick some he idnt know that sam already was following him on her brand new bike when he stopped sam asked him which scared him and asked "Where are you going?" "to the grocery store" lied miguel but sam knew that her angry boyfriend was lying so she went with him to cobra kai but she stayed outside because she did not want to get involved so she followed him to the infamous cobra kai dojo.


Miguels POV

i walked into the dojo angry ready for a fight so i yelled "COME OUT YOU SCAREDY CATS" kreese and johnny came out of the office and i ran straight at them and i kicked kreese and sent johnny straight throughthe wooden table and he groaned in pain hawk and sam both entered the dojo so it was a 1 on 3 but little did miguel know that cobra kai were behind him. "come at me you old fart" then rickenburger hit miguel with a chair miguel got knocked out a thug and mikey both beat me up

what if miguel and sam never broke upDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora