chapter 1

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On Halloween night,Voldemort could be seen walking up to the Potter's he blasted opened the door "Lily,take the kids and run!I'll buy you time!"James potter  shouted.Lily scooped up the twins and quickly ran up the stairs .Voldemort walking in the house and said sorry but I have to ."Stupefy!"Then,he glided up the stairs and shouted  at Lily. "Step aside,you silly girl he said .""No!"Lily shouted.Voldemort smiled and said  again."Stupefy!"He studied the two children.The girl on the left side with blue eyes was crying for her mummy screaming.He dismissed her he could barely feel magic in her  the thought that this was the the one who would equal him in power was laughable .He then looked at the green eyes child who was silently watching him he immediately khew she was the one.he slowly raised his wand and said He slowly raised his wand "You are a powerful little one, the one to defeat me. I would keep you alive if I knew you would join me, but of course with your family there would be no chance im sorry " The man murmured more to himself than anything, but unknown to him, the child, Azalea potter, heard every word. "Avada Kedavra!"he shouted But something happened.The curse hit her outstretched hand and rebounded,leaving a lightening shaped scar.It hit him and he fled.The debris fell and a bit hit jamie,Cutting her forehead and leaving a 'V' shaped scar.
Pop!Someone apparated in.It was a man with a long white beard-Dumbledore.He saw Lily and James and quickly unstunned them. "Our kids!"They shouted.Dumbledore looked at the twins.One of them had defeated Voldemort.He knew One of them had defeated Voldemort.He saw Jamie and saw that she was wailing loudly,,with a scar on her forehead.He then saw Azalea,who was sleeping sounly (a baby needs to sleep after using so much of her magic core!) soundly.Then,he checked their cores.Azalea's magic core was so tiny(She used up too much magic and her magic core needs to recharge).However, Jamie's was still strong.He smiled and raised up little Jamie,saying"I present to you,Harry James Potter,the one who defeated Voldemort,the girl who lived!"The parents were overjoyed that both their children survived and Voldemort was defeated by their daughter.

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