Dingo Dude's Story

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"A long time ago. I lost my mom to poaching. It was the most terrible day of my life. But it was also a start of a big adventure" I closed my eyes and saw all the memories again.

"Mr. Dude, are you okay?" I opened my eyes and looked at Silly who asked the question.

Silly was a little koala, with the most beautiful blue eyes. 

"Yes of course my darling. I just remembered all the memories" I looked at her and smiled. She smiled a little smile bag to me. I looked around and saw all the other kids. They waited in excitement for me, to tell my story. And I was also excited to tell it. "Are you all ready?" I asked happy. All their faces light up, and they yelled in chorus:


"Okay, let's begin. As I said before, a long time ago, I lost my mom to poaching. The most terrible day, but also the day that started a big adventure

I was only one year old. So, there was also only a year, until I had to set up my own dingo pack.

So, my parents I was out hunting, or my parents was hunting, and I was looking at them to see how it "really" does. My dad's words, not mine. But out there where we were hunting, there suddenly come some poacher. They didn't see us in the start, but when I whined, because I was falling, they noticed us. There was 4 men. 1 of them had a big and long black thing. I don't know what it was. But it looked dangerous. The other 3 men had some form of a big net full of holes. What was those things? They all were big and had muscles. The 2 of them who had those long black things, had some hair beside their mouth. 

My mom whispered my name. And said:

"Go back slowly, but still look at them. If they start chasing you or shooting at you. You are running. Understood?" Shoot? What is it? I thought. There was no time to ask questions, so I just nodded my head. And went back slowly. I looked around to see where Dad was. But I could not see him. Where was he? I thought. But when I looked at my mother again, she just mimicked: Look at them. I looked back at them and saw 1 of them pick up the long black thing and pointed at us.

"Shoot the big one first, and then shoot the small one" said 1 of the other men. The one who had the big thing pointed at us, nodded his head. Shoot. That word again. What was it? I was going to ask my mom what it was when I heard a big 'BANG' and a howl. It was my mom. I quickly looked at her and saw a big hole in her stomach where blood flowed out. I screamed and run over to her. She gasped for air. 

"Mom, what's happening" I asked. She didn't answer my question but said instead:

"Run away. It doesn't matter where, just run and never look back. I love you" were her last words before I saw her life disappear. I looked back and saw the same guy who had the big black thing, he was pointed it against me. I was so scared that I just stood completely stiff as a board. But then I membered my mom's word and sat into run. I could hear a new 'BANG'. A lot of birds flew out of the trees. I ran faster and faster. The only thought I had in my mind was: run. I could hear that they were running after me. I ran between the tall grass. Turning right. Turning left. Right. Left. The men's footsteps became weaker and weaker. I tried to find my dad, but he was nowhere to find. I kept thinking about where he was. 

When I had been running for a good while, I stopped and looked around. The men were nowhere to see. I did not know where I was. There were a lot of trees. 

"Okay so if I'm going to survive, I must get myself some food and find a place to sleep. Come on, you can do it Dude" I said to myself. 

So that was the start of my big adventure" I ended. I looked around on all the kids. Silly raised her little paw up in the air. "Yes silly"

"What happened after" she asked. 

"That story will you get another day" I smiled. "Well kids, now school is over. Now go home with you, see you tomorrow. And remember to take care of yourself. Goodbye" I waved to all the kids. And they all waved back, crabbed their stuff and walked home. 

"Goodbye Mr. Dude" It was Silly again. 

"Goodbye Silly"

The End

Udgivet: 03/04/22

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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