Finally the truth comes out *Edited*

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( so this story will be a little confusing because we will have both George's in this so when they talk about or when it's George Wesley it will be like this George, and when it's George not found it will be like this George so I won't get anyone mixed up or confused anyway on with the story)


Annabelle and the girls were getting more comfortable with each other and the girls were in their own corner of the library talking about random stuff.

"So Lavender when are you going to tell him." Marcy asked Lavender.

The girls already know that Lavender has a huge crush on Nick aka Sapnap. Lavender didn't have to tell them no, they figured it out on their own. Sapnap and Lavender always gave each other a side glance and they always playfully flirted with each other. So it wasn't hard for them to put it together.

Lavender blushed, "I don't know what you're talking about, and stop calling me Lavender I told you last year Lav is fine."

"Awe look at her and she is blushing." Anastasia smiled

"Lav what she is trying to say is that we know you like Sapnap and we just want to see you both happy and together." Annabelle told the blushing girl calmly.

"Uhh.. but I can't, I'm from a pure-blood Slytherin family while he is a half-blood Gryffindor no matter how much I want to I never will." Lavender said frustratedly putting her head in her hands.

Annabelle, Rose, Marcy, and Anastasia looked sadly at her but Annabelle looked at the girl with hope.

"Well I believe that if you put your mind to it you can do anything but if you put your mind and heart into it will come true." Lavender started to get a little hope but she can't fully believe it yet.

"Anyway enough about me, what about you guys? Any boy troubles?"

"Uhh don't get me started, Wilbur is trying so hard and he doesn't understand that no means no. and he is making other girls fall head over heels with him, uhh why can't he just pick one of them and let this be over with already."  Anastasia complained

"Well, what if he doesn't because he's in love with you." Rose spoke out but still had her nose in her book.

"No, I will never get with that bloody brainless boy."

"Anyway what about you Rose any boy got your eye," Annabelle asked

"I heard that s certain colorblind Ravenclaw had his eye on someone and I believe that certain someone has his eye on him as well." Lavender tried to joke with the flustered girl.

"Well I do like him but I don't think I'm ready for that I still have my deaf brother to take care of I don't think ill handle being in a relationship right now, I like him, yes but my brother comes first. I want to help him any way I can." Rose spoke what she thought and it makes Lavender, Marcy, and Anastasia tear up.

"That's nice Rose but being the only child like me I don't know how it feels like to have a sibling. Well except for the twins they act like the older sibling even though they are younger, but they are not biologically my siblings but the Weasleys still feel like family to me." Annabelle smiled but quickly shook her head. "Anyway, what about you Marcy any boys?"


"Not even one?" Anastasia asked


"Are you sure because you and Karl are really close?" Lavender tried to explain to the girl.

"Yeah, we are just really close friends."

"But he follows you like a lost puppy and you both hold hands-"

Harry Potter x Dream Smp (Dream x oc) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now