Chapter 2

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They all started fighting. Long story short, they ended up wining with the bots. Now, its Nemex. When they all charged, Nemex caught all of them in a red-light snare. They struggled to get out, but couldn't. The people in the bubbles gasped and encouraged them to escape, but failed.
Nemex: So this is the strongest and bravest team in the galaxy. I could easily catch them. Now, let's see those pain of yours.*tighten the light snare around them*
Nemex: This is what happens when you face against me.
Miles: Argh!!! Stop!!
Loretta: Let us go!
Nemex: Alright alright.
He let go and everyone gasped for air.
Leo: Pheww. Finally I can breath.
Haruna: But how can we stop this dude?
Mirandos: We need to figure out.
Blodger: I know. How abt distracting him and keep him away from the mission that someone can get in to the control room and shut it down.
Loretta: Galactic idea, Blodger.
Phoebe: Good thinking, Blodger. But how? You know we're against a giant robot. Except we don't have big distraction.
Then both Miles and Phoebe grew their eyes and looked each other.
M&P: Or else...
Nemex was busy looking at his glory achievement. He can now finally beat the team that had been the cause to all of the distractions and failures.
Nemex: After all these years I can finally take what's mine and prove to them that they're wrong to not letting me in the team. This is what you get TTA for NOT LETTING ME BE WHAT I WANTED TO BE!!
Agroo: Yes commander! You earn this glorious day.
Nemex: Thank you Agroo. Now let's finish this once and for all!
He turned to found that none of the forces or the callistos were there. He turned 360 degrees to look for them but not a single shadow was spotted. He was furious.
Nemex: I won't let you destroy my day of glory. SHOW YOURSELF!!
Then suddenly..
Blodger: Take that! Shape shift go!
Blodger attacked from behind blinded Agroo's view.
Agroo: Let go of me blop! I can't see!
Blodger: That's the plan!
Nemex: Enough!
He caught blodger and threw into one of the bubbles.
Haruna: Oh no!
Loretta: Blodger!
They were hiding behind the rubbles of crushed robots in invisitech mode.
Miles: Craiters! He stuck in that bubble.
Blodger's parents caught him in that bubble. Their plan didn't work like they thought.
Nemex: Come out mission force one. You couldn't let your precious TTA be taken by your greatest enemy. Or your ex recruite, do you? HAHAHAHA!
Haruna couldn't take it anymore. His anguish sky rocketed.
Haruna: You DEMON!!! HIARGHH!!
Mirandos: Haruna wait!
Haruna went straight to Nemex.
Haruna: Ultimate super punch!!
Nemex: Not this time!
He caught Haruna in a blink of an eye.
Nemex: Huh. Weak.
He threw him into that bubble.
Maya: Haruna!
Kofi: Are you alright?
Haruna: Ugh. I'm dizzy alright.
Only five were left. They had no idea what to do.
Loretta: He could literally catch us in a pecosec with his exo armer.
Nemex: So you wanna play hide and seek. Okay. Challenge accepted. Activating inferade. Now I can find them using their heat.
The callistos including mirandos were in bid trouble.
Leo: Oh no.
Before they could react, the robot that they were taking cover lifted.
Nemex: No where to hide now. Hahahaha!
Phoebe: Everyone scatter!
Mirandos was about to outrun him but couldn't.
Mirandos: Let go of me!
Loretta: Oh no! Mirandos!
Nemex: No can do Ariallien. Say hello to your bubble.
Again he threw her into the bubble.
Nemex: Now it's your turn callistos.
Now it's up to the callistos to defeat him.

Final FightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon