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"oh, isn't yun jin so talented? any show of hers is bound to be amazing! her performance just now was so entertaining."

"the yun-han opera troupe sure is something else. ah, but the thing is... don't you sometimes get that chill down your spine in the middle of their performances?"

"i'm not the only one who feels that? it's as if there's someone watching me. do you think that the place is haunted?"

"actually, just for a split second, i thought i saw a strange girl behind the opera screens; at first i thought that she was another performer, but now that i think about it, she never appeared on stage once."

"creepy. you sure that you weren't seeing things?"

"how could i forget her? she looked so out of place. she was wearing a costume, like she was supposed to perform. i couldn't see her face properly since she was wearing an opera mask. i think she was even floating above the ground!"

"sure, sure. whatever you say then. sounds like you're just crazy."

"right, wasn't there another performer? maybe that 'ghost' you saw was her."

"what performer? only yun jin was on stage today..."

"huh? but i swore there was another girl next to her!"

"... don't turn around."

"ha, what's up with you-"

a ear-piercing shriek resounded through the opera house.

the phantom of the opera. #xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now