Chapter 1

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"I don't want what you want with me." I dramatically sighed.

"I want you to get out, go outside." my Mom firmly said.

"What's the point in that?" I questioned.

"Vitamin D." she said the walked out, annoyed.

I let our another loud sigh. Getting up, I slipped on my shoes then slowly walked out of my room and to the front door.

I looked around my street and decided that it wouldn't hurt to take a walk. My street was practically a back road, so it was just a long, straight road that ended at the train tracks.

I started towards my road, that slightly went up hill, and started walking up it.

The road was pretty long, but it had a beautiful view. It was also Spring time, which can made the grass an emerald green and the flowers bringing color to it all, every now or then.

Everyone on my street knew each other, except for me. They were all related to each other, Cousins, but I wasn't. I guess that explains why I don't have many friends around here. Also the fact that I go to different schools than the ones around here.

Every Friday night all the families on the street get together, and the kids ride their four wheelers up and down the street. It seems like fun, and I would ask to hang out, but it seems like the girls are all stuck up.

They aren't rich but they're not poor, they have money but they don't have a gigantic house. My Dad says that their parents cheat others out of money, especially the people about four houses down from mine. Their Dad's a plumber and I've heard that he only does half the work but makes the customers pay twice as much.

I walked past their house, looking at their front yard. They kind of had a small house compared to mine, but they acted brattier.

As I walked up the not-so-high hill, I took in all the scenery. I had no idea how far I was going to walk, but might was well be out for a while, so I don't have to hear my Mom nag, and since it feels good outside.

After about 15 minutes of walking, I was on the other side of the hill. Since I couldn't see over it from my house, this side of the street was all new to me.

I walked past a house that I believe belonged to the sherif, and then past a long field that I think was growing wheat, but it was just being grown.

I saw that past the field, was what looked like a big, old shack.

When I got closer I realized that it was a beaten down mill. I walked a little farther, glancing at the mill every now and then, until I arrived at a little driveway, I guess you can call it. It had a gate, that was separated into two parts, they looked like those ones that you can just push open, but they were in a triangular shape.

It looked absolutely abandoned. I didn't see a no trespassing sign, so I figured, why not go in?

I mean, my Mom did say that I need to get out some more.


First chapter, sorry J.D. wasn't introduced yet, he will be in the next one.

I asked quiet a few people and they said to do J.D. (Christian Slater's character in Heathers) but if you would like to just imagine him as Christian Slater instead of J.D. , you can.

J.D. just fit the story better, since it's a creepy story.

and also, the mill in the story is actually one from down the street from me.

If you've noticed, I use a lot of my life experiences in my stories and this happens to be one of them.

If the picture isn't of Christian Slater or J.D. then it's most likely one that I've taken with my camera.

The Mill // Christian Slater (J.D.) slow updatesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora