don't asK.

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Y/n pov and days after cuz I'm lazy 😃

I was with Mirabel in Casita. We were watching a movie and then Antonio walks in. "Hey! You guys want to play
Hide and seek with me and carlos? The mice don't want to play.." he asked us with a smile. "ofc!" We both say. Mirabel turns off the TV and we follow Antonio. "Ok I will seek." Mirabel said and started counting.

I felt someone yank my arm and I fell into a bush. I look to see who it was and saw Carlos. Bitch why did you do that. Anyway. I heard Mirabel saying "8....9.....10. ALR IM COMING TO FIND YOU ALL.!". I take out the leaf that was on my hair and threw it at Carlos. He hit my leg and I gasped. "OUR ABUSING ME OOOOO". I pulled his hair after I said that bc I'm a slaying bitch

Mirabel looked this way and came running to the bush. She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "OMG Y/N UR SO FUCKING STUPID-" Carlos screamed at me. That was not true tho I just like being annoying to people.

2 hours later

It was Carlos turn to count and idk where to hide. Uhmmmmm oh I know onto of the fridge "1....2....3......" I ran to the kitchen and got on the fridge.

5 minutes later

"Y/N where are you I can't find u like-" Carlos said looking around the kitchen he looked up and saw me. "Bro what the fuck-" "I'm stuck up here 😔" "good I'll make sure to eat u for dinner later then. wink wink" auh-
Anyways so I got down and then I tripped on Antonio. So that's fun and awesome cuz abuela wants to sue me. I have a feeling that's she's going to be the next amber Heard.

"mi niña bonita"  |     Carlos x reader Where stories live. Discover now