chonger one

3 2 1

My  live  nice and sweet&  love it .   At Maohe hill Dist,  not  good road the  many water up here in home. But some  time the water little  bit  now. It at FAM  place  and one  time play cricket club and football club too.  I want to baise school my Maohe hill when it was and  went half three  it was fun now when  it end we go to the Big in one  gread  one  was fun  and we jump  into grass and order   it too. And  grade two   learn to my name again  to Anthony    and  do 2 & 3  /4&9 two time OK.  The  place  little  light  point and more dask point now. At Crord hill  J high  1 to 9   I walk  up  to group boys  talk to  boy about my class  but when meet a sober  aka Willing McKimson  when  tell  20  he  said No  him fooling you and show the the true now. We talk  about comic  and  move  & school work .  He take  to the drawing world  but did not tell  to go killit high school and  come 2th into
  Seven grade and  11 grade  two time.  Some time  OK at killer high school  was 11 l  my friends  in 11 I  little up my class but the  beside  my class and  great  before 11 when  not at school famer things with my father  before they take him of me. He was gold star and he said this you go fool things all out and time with  little lol on is face  and  come back to world  because I look  out spean  a day picture. When Maohe hill  live so happy and nice cool  the famers people now.   All  the  younger people plant  things and some goats care here and other animals too.   In  Maohe hill two  shoot  home up here the white and Bowen.  The dowen bigger  home into Maohe hill bst,  into Clarendon

my live  hard Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt