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Hi everyone!
Sorry, this is really random, but if you read my profile pic then you'll understand that I am weird and proud of it.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this random story.

Cree? Come on, we have to go to school" shouted Erika as she ran up the stairs to Cree's new room. She opened the door to reveal a half-dressed boy with orange hair and ocean blue eyes.

"sorry Erika, I was just coming" Cree apologised. "Cree, I don't think that the teacher will let you into class if you are only half dressed". "yeah, probably not" answered Cree as he put on a grey long-sleeved tunic underneath a short sleaved electric blue tunic with light-blue zigzags around the edges.

They were on their way to school when Cree heard a noise, he asked Erika what it was, and she said it was a sheep. "what's a sheep?" Cree asked as Erika gave him a questioning look. "you're kidding, right?", Cree shook his head as a reply Erika gestured for him to follow her and he did.

They stopped at a large pen full of white clouds with legs. "what are those?" Cree asked whilst pointing at the sheep closest to him. "that my friend, is a sheep" she answered as Cree had a glint of fear in his eyes.

Erika noticed and asked him what was wrong. She hadn't seen him look afraid since Harold had given him three scars on his right arm. Cree answered, "that creature looks a lot like a mountain goat, minus the horns and add some cloud onto it" Erika looked confused, but then decided to change the conversation.

"come on, let's go to school. We don't want to be late again. Again. The teacher will defiantly be angry, this time". Cree leaned against the fence trying to act what the humans call 'cool'. "don't worry Erika, I know what I am doing, we still have ages until school starts. We won't be late I prom..." Cree didn't have a chance to finish his sentence when the gate that Cree was leaning on swung open and Cree fell flat onto his face whilst saying to himself 'smooth Cree, real smooth'.

Erika interrupted his thoughts when the sheep ran out of the pen and trotted into the woods.

"Cree! Don't just stand there, tell them to come back!" shouted Erika as Cree got back onto his feet and brushed some of the mud off of his blue tunic. "what do I look like, a human translator? I can talk to dragons, not sheep!"

"well, we have to get them back!" demanded Erika before continuing "my dad would kill me if he found out that I was partly responsible for letting out Jeffrey's sheep. Again!" Cree looked at Erika with a questioning look. What did she mean 'again'?

"come on. Let's get out of here before Jeffrey realises that we let out his sheep" ordered Erika as she grabbed Cree by the arm and started to drag him towards their school, despite the fact that Cree wanted to help get the sheep back.

But as they were sneaking a hand grabbed Erika's wrist and said, "where do you think you are going Erika. I know you and your friend released my sheep!". Erika knew that she was in trouble, so her conscience told her to 'play dumb'. "Whose Erika?" asked Erika. Jeffrey looked confused for a minute. 'not that dumb!" shouted her conscience.

Erika finally realised that she was not going to get out of this by talking. So, she whispered into Cree's ear. "RUN!!!", Jeffrey saw that they were about to make a run for it, so he attempted to grab them. The two children were too fast for him.

"Get back here!" shouted Jeffrey. "Erika, I think we should help him. After all, we were the ones that let out his sheep" Cree said as Erika raised an eyebrow at him before saying, "you were the one that let out his sheep, not me". Cree gave a shrug before walking up to Jeffrey and apologised for releasing his sheep. "well apologising isn't going to get my sheep back now, is it?!".

Cree pointed a finger at Jeffrey's sheep pen. And to his astonishment the sheep were sprinting straight back into the pen. "beard of Thor, how did you..." Cree interrupted him with a shrug before turning and walking away as Erika followed open mouthed.

"Cree, how in the name of Thor did you do that?" Erika asked as Cree just pointed a finger at a flying figure in the sky, that looked slightly like. A Dragon!!! "I had a little help" was all Cree said before they both watched the figure fly off into the distance. Cree smiled as he watched the dragon in the distance, "until we meet again my friend".


Hi everyone,
I hope you enjoyed the story. Apology's that it was so random. I just made it one school lunch time when my friends were busy last year and just thought that I should add it to Wattpad.

I think the morel is that school can give you weird weighting ideas 💡

Hope you enjoyed it 😊👍!

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