Six: A Night To Remember

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"Kitty! You look beautiful! Let me look at you better!"

Katia spun in her short blue dress, her black tights hugging her legs perfectly and her small pumps comfortable on her feet. Her hair was curled and lay softly on her shoulders, her green eyes bright against the mascara and eyeliner.

She moved the mint around in her mouth with her tongue and smiled at her mother. Even though Evie wasn't dressed up for anything, she looked lovelier than ever.

Katia had spent much more time preparing for her date than she'd planned. She'd spent hours in front of the mirror trying to figure out what best mascara to wear, which earrings looked best and what scarf would go with her dress.

All the while, she'd kept within arm's reach the note that Taj had slipped to her in Geography. And at this moment, right as she was about to leave, she still clutched it tightly in her fist, for Taj had given her the opportunity to finally go to a Blues Park show.

"Can I have a picture, darling?"

Her mother handed her husband the phone and went to stand by her daughter, snapping Katia out of her daydream.

"Mom," Katia whined, "It's not like it's my first ever date or anything."

"But it's a night to remember," she said, winking. Katia rolled her eyes but smiled at the camera.

A knock came from the door behind her. Her heart jumped in her chest and she spun around. She took a deep breath, felt her lips tug into a smile and opened the door. Katia could never look at Taj without pausing, captured by his dark eyes. She tore them away long enough to see he was wearing a collared shirt and baggy jeans, his hands in his pocket and the cutest grin spread on his face. Katia smiled up at him and he smiled back.

"Ready?" he asked, holding out his hand.

"When you are," she told him.

"Well then, let's go. But don't forget to say goodbye to your parents."

"He's right Kitty," her mother said from behind. "Now give me a kiss."

Katia spun around swiftly and gave her mom a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, Mom," she told her before dragging Taj out into the still-warm air.

September was soon catching up to summer and the weather would turn cold quickly so Katia enjoyed the light breeze on her arms, knowing it would soon turn into a bitterly cold wind. Taj slipped his hand into hers and she felt her heart jump again, strangely enough. The feelings this boy gave her were new and exciting, but she remained on her guard. In the back of her head, Donovan's face wouldn't let her forget how she had ended up here in the first place.

They finally reached the park where Katia could already hear the band in full swing.

"What do you do at one of these?" Katia asked, her gaze trailing over the spectators.

"What?" Taj looked at her, surprised, "You've never been to a festival?"

Katia shook her head gingerly.

"Always busy," she lied, scratching the back of her head. Taj quickly pulled her into the crowd.

"Step number one," he said, "infiltrate the crowd. It's always more fun when you're in the middle of the action."

Before she could stop him, Taj was diving between the festival-goers, his hand holding hers. She found herself moving with the bodies on either side and she clutched her purse, almost as if she could hear her mother lecturing her on the danger of pickpockets. When Taj came to a halt, Katia checked for her phone, which was thankfully lying where she'd put it.

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