Part 1

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"-you're both to go as a married couple." Fury's words didn't sink in for a minute, before the Trickster cleared his throat, tilting his head. "Uh, what?"

Loki had not expected to participate in a standard mission; standard as in, organized. That there was no world-threatening conflict going on, half the time he was only allowed to tag along with area checks. After a few months had passed after his attempt to take New York, he had been allowed to stay under the strict watch of the oh-so-mighty Avenger's in Stark's tower. as punishment, now and again 'community service' as they call it which was just tiny tag along jobs just to prove if he could earn the right to be trusted before he might, might gain some freedom. what choice did he have? go back with Thor to Asgard's dungeons, or.. honestly he debated it every day- especially with this particular mission being paired with Dove.

Dove looked just as shocked as he was, the way her silky black wings tightened behind her as if holding her tongue from arguing with her director. not quite an Avenger, not quite a SHIELD agent, more like a Hybrid? either way she and Loki never exactly clicked when they met, only crossing paths for a new group missions and hallways but it never went a day without a sharp remark exchange from the other.

"Everything's already been arranged-" The Director had picked up the small box, tossing it up in the air slightly before catching it again as he spoke. "You're both Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. He's training to be a doctor, and she's just started out as a Veterinarian. Newlyweds, and as a part of your honeymoon you've made the casino a part of the trip, the place you both need to locate Rick Simmons, drug dealer and possibly a Hydra head.'' He then set the box down in front of them on the desk, taking a seat as if everything had already been settled before Dove spoke up.

''this is ridiculous- sir- isn't there an easier way to get this done? i could just go undercover to investigate the casino myself..''

"You both know that if there was an easier way of doing this I would take it." Fury huffed as Dove picked up the box, a soft metal clink only confirming that they would be following the blasted Midgardian traditions of wearing rings to symbolize their bonded status. Loki couldn't help but hold back a smirk, only loving the way she was getting uncomfortable with the idea, even though he was just as thrilled also. "If it all goes well, and we get what we need within two weeks, then the mission will be considered closed, and you both will get to drop the status.. But considering that you two are.. Married, if you find that it's taking longer than anticipated, it can take up to a month."

"A month??" Loki echoed, distaste in his tone as he glanced to Dove, his emerald eyes boring into hers, wondering how in all the nine realms he would manage this one and she almost dropped the box in reaction.

''Director, you know exactly how this will go if you actually pair me up with this-''

''the mission will go as planned and that is the only concern i have. the others are already sent with their own jobs to deal with so i was short handed. think of it as a good junk of a test being put up to what's at state for you.'' Fury's gaze leaned to Loki who only reminded looking bored but knew he wanted his 'freedom' that much faster if this went well.

An agent came in to interrupt anyone else's future objections and motioned behind him. ''the jet is all ready and the suitcases are set for each.''

He left once Fury gave an approving nod and Dove already turned to leave, having placed a ring on her finger already and tossed the box at Loki to do the same, him catching it with last minute skill. ''it will be done sir.'' she told him, her voice dripping with dull enthusiasm before Loki lazily got up and followed behind her.

They stayed silent the entire walk, avoiding each contact and could feel the awkwardness in the air. true they both were drop dead gorgeous towards the other, but there was no way in the nine realms either one of them was ever going to admit it outload. besides, their personalities weren't compatible anyway, they were both so.. different; which is why Dove knew this mission was going to be hectic. Upon entering the jet, Dove motioned for the pilot to go ahead and within a few minutes, they were up in the air and on their way.

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