The Arcade

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Ear numbing noises came from Litwak's Arcade, so loud it was hard to for some people to get any sleep until quitting time when the arcade finally went to sleep and when all the characters of each game ventured off to meet with friends from other games. But for one princess, no president didn't feel like meeting with her friends for some reason. There was only one thing on her mind a boy who frequently came to the arcade everyday after school and all day until closing time, but he sometimes always left unexpectedly when a little light in his pocket went off indicating something. Vanellope sighed all she could think about was that boy name Dash who came to see her everyday.

Hearing a knock on the doors of the palace, it echoing through the entire palace. Opening the gigantic doors a small little green emotionless butler answered the door. "Yes." He said sounding unamused to see who it was, it was the presidents best friend standing over towering the little green butler.

"Is Vanellope here." Ralph asked looking concern, wondering why Vanellope didn't show up at his place to hangout with him like they normally would do every Tuesday after Mr Litwak left the premises and talk about their day and on some occasions have root beer at Tapper's with the Fix-it's if they weren't busy dealing with their children. It'd had been almost two year since the Turbo incident happened and Calhoun had twins: Jimmy and Astrid. Vanellope and Ralph always babysat them every Monday when the Fix-it's went off to do business.

"She's in here room." Answered Sour Bill with his unamused expression on his face which he always had ever since Ralph met him, but Ralph just brushed the green gumdrops expression as he normally did getting over it a few months ago.

Walking into the maze of a palace, Ralph would easily get lost in it if he didn't have a guide with him. Even though he visited it frequently he always manages to take a wrong turn and end up somewhere other then Vanellope's room. He followed Sour Bill, who knew all to well about Ralph's sense of direction and to stop Ralph who always smashed he's way through the palace out of frustration.


Pictures of Dash and her went through her head nothing could disturb her daydream, that is but one stinkbrain who walked in taking large steps but who could blame him for it was very big and square shaped he over towered everyone in Sugar Rush and Fix-it Felix Jr., but he was around the same hight as most of the villains in Bad Anon and in Heroes Duties. She sighed at the large person who just walked into her room, she loved spending time with Ralph but she wanted to be alone to continue her daydream of her and Dash, she knew they could never happen because he's a real person and she's a game character made up of numbers and codes.

Jumping down from her large bed she walked up to her best friend. "What's up Ralph?" She asked swinging her hands to her back and balancing on her toes as she tried her best to be the same hight as him only to fail as she was only up to his knees.

Ralph could tell something was off with Vanellope by the way she didn't call him Stinkbrain like she normally did, although he hated that nickname he didn't mind it because he was happy to see her and her happy expression when ever he came. But today it was different she had a fake smile on and for what he could gather from her sigh earlier her mind was somewhere else.

"So what's up kid, you seem off." He said closing the doors to her room, so he could get answers from her and why she was acting different.

"N-nothing Ralph, why would you think something was wrong? I'm as fit as a fiddle." She hesitantly answered him, biting a piece of the sting on her jumper nervous of him finding out what she was hiding, about her crush knowing he won't understand her situation.


Dash has spent countless times at Litwak's arcade playing Sugar Rush, because it was the only game that seemed to match both his competitiveness and his power of super speed but no one knew about his secret about being the Racer, he had always hated that name as much as he wanted to call himself The Dash his parents said that it was too revealing for him to use and it could put the whole family in danger if a bad guy were to figure it out, even though he protested every now and then about it.

Sighing to himself, he brushed the topic that was on his mind and continued playing Sugar Rush as his favorite character the Princess Vanellope Von Schweetz. He loved her power up glitching through opponents and objects in the way instead of jumping over or trying to overtake another racer or just cutting through shortcuts he's found from playing the game so many times. From time to time he'd play other games like Fix-it Felix Jr., Heroes Duty, Pac-Man and the other games when Sugar Rush was unavailable to play because of the teenage boys who always hogged it playing every character on the daily roster, it was the same characters and a few Dash didn't know the names to. All he knew was Vanellope, Taffeta, Candlehead and Rancis, like he cared all he cared about was playing as Vanellope and when she wasn't available in the daily roster for Sugar Rush he'd play the other games to take he's mind off of it.


"Come on Dash, we got to go and you know..." Violet didn't finished her sentence because he already knew what she was talking about and looked down at his pocket to find his communicator buzzing and glowing. Both ran outside only to find their parents, baby brother and uncle fighting a new villain with odd marking all over her face and body. Her costume looked as if it was designed off a motherboard, her hair looked like wires short circuiting, which it extended and wrapped around things and it had just grabbed Mr Incredible aka dad to both Dash and Violet.

Quickly finding a place to change into their costumes, Dash ran into a corner behind some bins, and stated running in a small tornado as he dressed into his costume. Putting on his mask he joined up with his family and uncle who were trying to find a weakness to this Viral as what she was calling herself a self proclaimed computer virus.

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