Chapter 1

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The tree's blew gently in the wind, a minor relief from the humid climate that encamped the city like a blanket. The daylight hours grew longer by every passing day, and the citizens were starting to count down the days to winter, to get themselves away from the burning atmosphere. Jets circled the sky, some just admiring the view, others trying to make their way to work, or home from work. The manor over looked the city from the hill, just a breath away from the North border, where the royal family resided, their snobby children lived in the mansions that surrounded the manor while the kings lived in the manor itself. On the West border, was the house of the president, Yurij Myroslavovych Matvijchuk. He moved from Ukraine to live among the pure, striving to help the city remain the most peaceful city in the world. On the East border, the celebrities lived, the few who managed to escape scandals and remained close to their roots lived happily among the Arcane houses, raising their families to the most respectable level. And on the South, the military. Very few knew of the military's real purpose, only the commander, and Task Force 183, who's sole purpose was to make sure crime was non existent. The citizens lived in the middle of the city, away from the borders, avoiding the limelight as they lived mundane lives, trying to stay in everyone's good books.

"I'm telling you, nothing you have ever said has made any sense to me" Killian shrugged, sitting on the dining room table as the others lounged about in the living room, the TV playing softly in the background.
"Oh come on, Nevaeh back me up here, I make sense all the time!" Ada exclaimed, throwing a pillow at her best friend as he shook his head, knocking him onto the ground.
"I've got to agree with Killian, sometimes you make absolutely no sense" Nevaeh laughed, ducking behind Gianluca as Ada threw another pillow in her direction, watching the pillow hit the unsuspecting Italian with force.
"Hey!" Luca growled, shooting a glare toward Ada before looking back down to his book, putting another forkful of his Calzone into his mouth, ignoring them once more.
"Can I have some?" Nevaeh asked as she climbed off the sofa, eyeing the calzone he'd left on top of the counter.
"That one's yours anyway" Luca gave her a smile, though his eyes never left the book on his lap. Nevaeh smiled, kissing his head as she walked to the kitchen, placing the food on the plate and sitting at the dining table, relaxing against the wooden back.
"How long have you two been dating now?" Faye asked, looking between Gianluca and Nevaeh, smiling fondly - they were best friends, had been since they were kids, Faye introduced Nevaeh to Luca but they hated each other, for years.
"2 years on Friday" Luca replied with a grin, looking to Nevaeh as he took another forkful of his food, love filling his expression. He'd only hated her because she reminded him so much of his sister, but he was so glad she gave him the chance to prove himself, and to learn more about her.
"Jesus time is flying!" Ada exclaimed, sitting cross legged on the carpet beside Sebastian.
"How long have you and Seb been together now?" Nevaeh asked, with a mouth full of Calzone, covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she spoke.
"6 years now" Sebastian smiled, a sort of sad look on his face, but Nevaeh dismissed it, they'd been arguing a lot recently and she'd found herself questioning whether they'd last much longer, but she didn't get involved, only comforting Ada when she would come into her room, crying.
"That's amazing guys, I'm glad to hear it" Luca smiled, putting his book on the coffee table in front of him.
"Hey guys?! Look at this" Faye interrupted, turning the TV up as she gained their attention.

"Breaking News: Arcane is under attack, crime rates have increased a whopping 150%, the streets are turning into a bloody mess and the government have locked themselves away, refusing to address the problem. The military have yet to be deployed and the chaos shows no signs of stopping" The news broadcaster announced, her tone masked but they could all hear the strained fear that fought to be heard.
"What...? How did they get in?" Seb asked, breaking the silence in the room, though all eyes were on Nevaeh.
"I'm calling Yurij" Nevaeh mumbled, pushing her seat back and walking out of the room, leaving them to it.
"We advise all citizens to go to the hide out points within Arcane as- OH MY GOD" The broadcaster continued before blood splattered the camera lens, as a man, no older than 28, slit her throat.
"Kids will have seen that" Faye mumbled, numbness filling her body like a drug, overwhelming her senses.
"My son... I need to call my son" Killian mumbled, grabbing his phone and leaving the room. The shock was obvious in everyone, nobody expected such a travesty to happen so fast - crime wasn't a thing in Arcane, nobody was allowed to live here if they had a criminal record, nobody was allowed inside if they had any sort of mental illness that could lead to violence. So how could this happen?

"Guys, get ready. We've been assigned the task of getting this sorted" Nevaeh spoke as she walked inside, dressed in her military attire.
"We can't take them all, there's only 7 of us, and however many there are of them" Sebastian proclaimed as they all stood up, looking to their captain helplessly.
"We have to try" Nevaeh smiled weakly, looking to Luca for reassurance but even he looked helpless. 
"How is he?" Ada asked as Killian walked back in, shoving his phone in his pocket but he didn't answer, he just silently went to get ready.
"Not good" Seb whispered, following the others out to get himself prepped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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