Meet and Greet

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Stitch didn't like strangers, or really, people in general. Ironic, considering he was a bartender for a strip club, but it was just the truth. He only liked a few people, including his two best friends, Goth and Orfeo, but sometimes, in times like these, he really, really disliked them. This was because they liked to party. A lot.

He liked to host parties.

They liked to go to parties.

And this was the first time they convinced him to go to a party.

Now... here he was. At a party.

He wasn't even pretending to socialize. When he arrived, he immediately sought out an empty table, in a corner, with low lighting, then began drawing in his sketchbook. He got up once to get a plastic cup with punch that wasn't spiked the first two times he filled it, but then was. Didn't stop him from drinking it however. He was an adult, he could make his own decisions. In fact, he was on his fifth (sixth?) cup already. He had a good buzz going on, and was sketching roses in the corner of the page.

He downed the rest of the punch and frowned. The roses needed shading. And color. He sighed and closed it, putting his pencil and sketchbook in his inventory. He'd finish it later... probably. He touched the rim of his socket and summoned a piece of thread. Tearing it off, he wiped off the quickly pooling blood to the best of his ability before turning the thread into a game of cat's cradle.

After a couple minutes Goth came over to his table, "Heya Stitchy."

Stitch glanced up at his friend, "Whatever you're asking for, the answer is no."

Goth pouted, "I'm not asking."

Stitch studied Goth's face, "Let me guess. Orfeo sent you over here to force me to socialize."

Goth shrugged, "I find that for the sake of my well being, it's best to do as Orfeo asks every now and then, for if you remember, he has our Pokemon collections."

Stitch swore, why, oh why was the MultiVerse so cruel. "Alright, where is he?"

"Over here, c'mon."

Stitch let Goth lead him to a small group that had accumulated in a corner. Orfeo's eyes lit up when he saw the two of them, and he gestured them over frantically. Stitch recognized two of the other eight people in the group. Paperjam, who winked at him, and Toxin, who nodded at him. Toxin's parentage was slightly confusing. One of his source codes was Killer, but the other was someone called Gold, and Gold, apparently, did not exist.

Toxin pointed to his own eye socket, most likely trying to tell Stitch there was blood on his. Stitch shrugged in response.

The game continued, Truth or Dare, and Stitch gleaned the names of the other's playing Orfeo's demented game. The guy clad in black and white was Cross. His friend next to him, wearing purple, was Epic. There was a female skeleton absently cleaning a scythe, her name was Disease. Xox had what at first glance appeared to be a plant growing from his socket, but at closer examination proved to be tentacles. A grey boned skeleton glared at the ground, a mask covering most of his face, he was Stain. And last, apparently there to supervise, was a Papyrus in an orange hoodie, asleep. That was Stretch.

Orfeo had finished drawing thick eyebrows on Stretch as his dare, and he scanned the group, his eyelights landing on Stitch.

Oh boy...

Stitch scowled, "I just got over here."

"Truth or dare."


"Truth or dare."

Stitch huffed, "Dare."

Orfeo smirked, standing and looking over the party. "Do you see the skeleton talking to Nightmare?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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