Chapter one, Part 10!

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you woke up around 8:33am Sunny had woken you up by trying to roll over, you walked out of the room and seen fez in the kitchen and Ash on the couch you walked over to the couch but fez couldn't hear you "so you know how to get your own way and control me huh?" ash just smirked and ignored you "ok be like that you won't be getting any of that shit ever again i'm not being controlled anymore" the smirk did not leave his face "whatever you say" you stood up and give the baby to Ashtray and walked into the kitchen "hey you feeling ok?" fez looked upset for you "i'm fine what did you do last night?" he smirked "let's just say you will be getting a apology phone call soon from someone" you furrowed your eyebrows "you fucking looked like hunters last night" Ash had now came into the kitchen with Sunny *you show them the picture you took* they both laugh "weirdos i swear" you walked back into the living room and then you get a phone call "who is it?" Fez shouted from the kitchen "i don't know it's an unknown" "answer it and put it on loud speaker" you answer "hello?" "y/n i'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt you your brothers came to my house yesterday and showed me what happened to you i am really sorry" out of the corner of your eye you seen Fez and Ash smirking "ok" is all you replied with "what do you mean ok?" "i don't know what else you want me to say?" "maybe i forgive you" "but i don't forgive you, you threatened me with my child and then shoved me against a wall slapped me across the face and scratched me with your rings and then sliced my face my wrist is purple and i can't wear and t-shirt outside i can't even go out anymore because of you they don't trust me now" "well i didn't know soz" "haven't you got anything better to do like fuck Cassie howard oh wait you already did that what a coincidence." "h-how do you know about that" "cause i do what would my sister say if she found out hm i don't know i'll call her now and ask" "wait no" you hung up the phone and then walked into the kitchen to get water "he's fucking Cassie?" Fez asked with shock "i knew uses where fucking eavesdropping" ash then passed the baby to you "let's get you changed and then get you home little boy" ash and fez look at you confused "i was speaking to the baby" "yeah i know but you think we are going to let you go home?" you look at them confused "uhm yes that's where i live?" "no you live here now where not letting you got back there when Maddie is still with Nate your living here with us forever so you are safe and ok and no one is hurting you" you look at them with surprised look on your face "your kidding right your not being serious rn." "oh yes we are being deadly serious" ash looked at you and smirked you walked out of the kitchen and into ashtrays bedroom "so your telling me that if i live her this baby will to?" they both nod "well he will need baby gates no drugs around on surfaces he can reach no guns on the floor" "ok" ash was still smirking at you "well i have nothing here so i can't stay, Sunny has no highchair no nothing so no i have to go home right now and live there like right now!" "well we will drop you off at your house and Ash will come in with you and i will wait in the car you pack everything of yours and the baby's and there you go your sorted." "no" you reply picking up the baby's toys off the floor putting your hair behind your ear as you got up then fez's phone called "yo what's good, uhm i'm yeah ok i'll be over soon!" he hangs up "i gotta go to a deal i'll be like 3 hours when i get back i drop you at home you get your stuff and come back here deal?" "not deal" you still picking up baby toys. "Ash bro try and convince her please." Ash then smirked at you then turned to Fez with a serious face "ok she's being stubborn i think if i talk to her she will be ok about it" "thanks bro right i'll be back" you hear the door open then close, Ashtray was sitting on his bed with his hands at the back of his head smirking you scoffed at him then rolled your eyes "roll them again and i will give you something to roll them about." you where speechless and had no idea what to say back to that "you really won't though" you are still cleaning up Sunny's clothes and toys "are you sure about that?" you turned to him "i'm almost 99.99% sure about that actually" "ok well i will make you sure about that then" he got up off his bed walking towards you "your necklace is pretty" you look down at it "thanks" you then walk out of the room and he follows you then you realise "where the fuck is the baby" you turn to him "Fez took him don't worry there's this woman and while they make the deal at the table she holds the baby honestly he'll be fine" you keep walking until you stop at the kitchen putting your elbows on the counter and burying your face into your hands "now you can make out with me without being quiet you can be as loud as you want there's no baby no fez just us to" you lift your head off your hands "i've got to clean i can't make out right now soz i'll put you in my schedule though you will be about 4th in line there is three other people waiting sorry" he walked over to you "oh is that so cause it's weird because you don't know any other boys our age except for me" you shrug "i have a phone dumbass"


&quot;You sure you want to know what your getting into?&quot;y/n and ashtray Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang