Losing Her

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Oliver's P.O.V

I knew I shouldn't have kissed Jess, but I did it anyway. It felt so wrong yet so right. She's so gentle yet so independent. I love her. I love her more than any man could imagine.

After that game of hide and seek, we were whisked away in the cars of out parents. I don't feel right calling Jess whilst she's at Ruby's, so I'd call her on Sunday. There was only one person that I wanted to call. One person that I wanted to talk to about my new romance. That person....... was Peter. 

"Hello?" a woman answered the ringing phone.

"Hey! It's Oliver. How's Peter?" I ask her, instantly recognising her as Peter's mum.

"He's doing so much better. Did you want to speak to him?"

"I was hoping to."

There was a static sound of bad connection before I heard the voice of the person I most wanted to talk to. Peter.


"Peter! You alright?" I asked anxiously.

"Still a bit stiff, but not bad. You?"

"Awesome. I have something to tell you. It's about Jess."

"Go on.."

I spilled the tea, describing every moment and every feeling in extreme detail. 

By the time I had finished, I heard Peter sigh, "Dude. I'm just gonna say...... don't do anything you're gonna regret.Don't lose her."

We moved onto irrelevant conversation about football and whatnot. 

After my call with Peter, i felt tons better, and managed to fall asleep rather easily, but it was that night, that the nightmares came.

I was walking down a long corridor, which seemed to have no end. Then, I heard an unmistakable scream from far in front of me. I could just make out Jess' open mouth. She began to scream a word.

"Oliver," she screamed, over and over again.

I ran down the corridor, only seeming to get further away as I ran. Then, the screams became more vivid as a tall, middle-aged man appeared next to her, holding a gun. Jess screamed my name louder, and i ran faster, but I didn't make it. All I heard was the BANG of a shotgun. All I saw was her body collapse to the floor. All I felt was my own sweat. All I smelt was blood. All I could taste was my dehydrated tongue. 

That was the first time I had a nightmare of losing her. But it was not my last and it was certainly not my worst, I could almost guarantee that.....

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