Please, guys..

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y/n's pov:
It was a morning before school and you decided to try talk to the girls about the situation. They were your best friends. And you aren't gonna let go of their friendship that easily.

As you walk in your first class, the teacher was just on her phone and all tbe students were just chatting, realising class hadn't started yet. You walk up to the girls and ask to have a chance to speak to them " H-hey guys.. look. I'm so sorry abour what I did, I know it was wrong and I'm deeply sorry, you know I love you girls so much so please could you forgive me?" You stare at them blankly as they stare at you with a smirk om their face and their eyebrow raised, laughing at you. " I love how you're saying this as if you didn't cry to kokichi yesterday about us." Sayaka says. Your heart skips a beat. " H-how-" Angie interrupted you " Ohh y/n, we saw you walk over to him yesterday silly! You know you were only a few steps behind us." Angie says sarcastically. " Girls I literally already said I'm sorry, and I really do mean it, I don't understand why you aren't forgiving me." You bring up. But all they do is snarl at you and look down at their work. Your eyes start watering but you were in public so you stopped and just sat back down in a different seat as class started.

After class you had walked over to Kokichi's class and waited for about a minute or so for him. As he came out he greeted you with a light smile. " What's up y/n?" He looks up at you and asks. " I tried to talk to the girls but they just ignored me. You explain to him. He starts.. giggiling..? He looks away and lets our a small laughter and clears his throat. What.. was wrong with him? " Kokichi this isn't something I'm really laughing about." I say. I'm sorry y/n, just forget about them.. I'm better then them.." his tone rapidly changes to sound more violent. You start to feel uncomfortable so you slowly back away as he walks to you, closer and closer, by the minute.

" Kokichi please stop!!" You raise your voice at him and run away. You hid in the girls bathroom, crying at the situation with the girls and Kokichi, confused about why he would act so.. so strange?

Kokichi's pov:
Oh my god. I totally just screwed up. I'm slowly loosing my Sanity over y/n.. I- HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. I'M JUST SO MADLY IN LOVE WITH HER. I let out a small chuckle and realise I'm being disturbing. I realise I need to go look for her.. you hear a cry come out from the girl's toliets. " I- I know this is wrong but.." You say as you walk in and gently knock on y/n's door. " Y/n? Please come out."

" GET OUT!!" She screamed. I-I felt so heart broken, being yelled at, I don't know what was wrong with me, but he strain in her voice just.. broke my heart. I had felt though as if my heart just shattered into pieces, I felt like I-I was loosing my mind. It felt like each spike of my sanity was disappearing. My heart was just beating faster, my blood rushing. I uncontrollably bang on her door. " Y/N IF YOU DON'T LET ME IN RIGHT NOW YOU'RE DEAD" That was when I realised, I should've think before I speak.

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