Chapter 2

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Adrian felt the sharp roughness against his spine when he shifted slightly. His legs were cooled against the heat resistant slab that lay underneath him supporting his weight, not that there was much to support. But the concentrated heat continued to pour down on his body, cooking him as if he were in an oven.

His eyes shot open almost as quick as the pounding headache entered his head and shot right through his skull. He raised a hand to clasp his pounding head and bring it some form of remedy, but to no avail. Then, a wave of intoxicating nausea hit him and his body instinctively hunched over, emptying its contents throughout the concrete floor. Adrian wiped his mouth and spat, slowly straightening his contorted posture, sure that the nausea was finished with him.

Once he had sit up properly, he switched his focus from his body, to the walls around him. They were cracked and filthy, coated in a musty custard and stained with shades of blacks and beige's. There were three walls surrounding him and one empty space where a wall should be, constructed with black metal bars, as decrepit and worn as the walls. Black chippings
scattered the floor beneath him, guiding his eyes to the dust and dirt stained ground that begged for a cleaner. In fact, it looked as if this cell hadn't been cleaned since it was built, the musty air coating Adrian's lungs as he let out a weak cough.

The only thing illuminating the cell was the beam of light that poured in through a high place, close to the high ceiling. It was a pathetic excuse for a window. When Adrian climbed the slab that disguised as a bed to get a better look, he was met with more iron bars.
"Fucks sake" he breathed, pounding a fist into the cracks beside him.
A few pieces of cracked paint left the wall along with his hand, but for the most part, the concrete seemed untouched.

Adrian stepped down from the slab and walked right up to the bars guarding the front of the cell. The bars were too close together for him to fit his head through, however he barely managed to squeeze an arm through, pressing his torso against the cold steel. His eyes peered around the environment around him. The walls outside were not much different than the ones he had previously examined in his cell. In fact, there seemed to be a plethora of carbon copied cells lining the prison from top to bottom. However what unsettled Adrian the most, was the silence. The cells in his peripheral were too dark to make out anyone inside  and the cells in front of his were empty, as far as he could see.
"What the fuck is going on.." he mumbled to himself, shifting his glance between the cells.

As the reality dawned upon him, Adrian let out a few screams. Once the echoes had faded it seemed as if he were pleading with a graveyard.
Once he was sure there was no one in sight, he clasped the bars and grunted in frustration as he began yanking on them with all his strength. They shifted slightly, enough to subside his frustration, but not nearly enough to make any impact on his current situation.

Adrian raised his foot to the bars and kicked. The bars shifted again, This time, moving slightly apart. Adrian kicked again and again, using the slab to support his weight as the sweat piled up all along his body. Suddenly, a loud screech invaded his ear drums and his hands shots up to cover them. The sound was so debilitating that he crashed to the floor and squeezed his eyes shut, while still keeping his eyes covered. He let out a below as the ear crushing noise continued to ring out, as if someone had drilled a hole in his ears with a drill. He had just began to feel a moist substance on his sweaty palms before the noise abruptly stopped. When he lowered his hands, a small puddle of blood coated them.

It was then, that Adrian noticed the small siren along the wall outside his cell. There were two of them. One was high up and coated in a reflective black, like a camera in a drug store, and the other was small and embedded into the wall beside the ground. Maybe these had been in place since the prison was run and whoever took him wanted to put them into practice?

Adrian carefully stood to his feet with the help of the bed and stared up at the camera, at least he hoped that's what it was.
"What the fuck is going on! Why am I here?"
He bellowed, anger coating his tone as his fists tightened.
There was no response at first, and Adrian kicked the bars once again in frustration.
Just as he did, a voice embedded with a high pitched, almost child- like tone engulfed the prison. "I can't let you go just yet. I have so much planned for you,"

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