Lan Wangji💙

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Lan Wangji,

Wei Ying, I'm sorry...

Sorry that I put silencing charm on you the first day we met.

Sorry that I put a distance between us.

Sorry that I got angry and shoved you away.

Sorry that I stopped you from doing what you want to do.

Sorry for hiding my feelings, I didn't show you how much I care.

Sorry that I argued with you about the path you decided to take, it's because I was worried about you that time.

Sorry for my cowardice, I didn't stand by you and let you leave alone...

Above all, sorry that I failed to hold onto you, I lost you...

And Thank You...

Thank you for coming back, giving me a chance to restart all over again.

Thank you for making me brave and unrestrained, I know what I really want now and I'm no longer afraid to hold onto it.

Thank you for leaning on me, letting me protect you and stick by your side.

Since our first encounter, I discovered what life really means

Thank you for everything...

My Soulmate.

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