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Anthony knew something was wrong immediately he saw the face of  his best friend, DIANA !!the first thing his mind went to. he got down from the alter and ran to meet them what’s the problem? Have something happened?. his brother turn to him bitterly and spoke, Diana is gone, she left but don’t worry I think she just got cold feet .his youngest brother try to be optimistic WHAT!!she what !!have you checked around,have you asked around,what of her parents,what did they say?they are as surprised at whats happening because Dinah told me she was all bubbly this money even till when she was in the changing room,it was when she got back from getting some water for her that she notice her wedding gown on the bed and Diana gone, his second youngest explained. all right everybody spread out and check in case of any issue,jacoby get the security team to check on the CCTV, Ezekiel try and explain the situation to the elders while Nathan will inform dad to see if he knows anything because Diana has always been closer to his father than anyone. alright brother ! all of them chorused and left the entrance where they were standing, nobody could see but he knew inside of him that is world his slowly falling apart. The only answer that was coming to his head is that Diana has been kidnapped and very soon they wound demand for her ransom, that was the thought on his mind has he went numbly throughout the day,days turn to weeks and then months then year.
          After a whole year of waiting and no evidence of kidnapping but of free escape ANTHONY ROMERO BECAME THE EVIL WHO WALK THE FACE OF THE EARTH  IN HUMAN FORM

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