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It was 12:00pm in the afternoon and Hye Jin was waiting along with Junhyung for Yongsoo. "Junhyungaa, lets order something cool first. It's so hot today. I am going to die from heat stroke." Hye Jin, Junhyung and Yongsoo had exams the next week and planned to study at Kyubin hyung's café. Since there were no customers in the afternoon, the place was silent. After finishing her iced americano in one gulp, Hye Jin banged her head down on the table as if drunk. "It's so refreshing" she said without lifting her head.

"Junhyungaaa." Hye Jin heard Sungho oppa entering the café with a worried look on his face. Junhyung jumped out of his chair and hugged Sungho tightly. "Hyung, what a surprise! You said you had a match tomorrow and would come home only this weekend. Why are you here so early?" Junhyung asked him with a very excited tone without breaking from the hug. "My match got cancelled due to poor weather. They will reschedule it soon." Sungho said but his tone was not as cheerful as Junhyung's. Junhyung sensed something was wrong and pulled out of the hug examining his beloved Sungho hyung's face. "Hyung is something bothering you? Tell me, what is wrong?" Junhyung's excitement faded and worry was written all over his face.

"I have a good and bad news for you. What do you want to hear first?" Sungho asked. The worry deepened in Junhyung's face and with a concerned tone he asked, "What is the bad news hyung? Is something wrong?" "I got a call letter to enlist in the military service within the next two months." Sungho said with tears almost at the verge of falling. Junhyung couldn't take in the shock and tears started welling up his eyes immediately. Sungho hugged him tight and both cried their eyes out. Kyubin came running to them from the counter closing the café for the day. Both Hye Jin and Kyubin were standing near the crying couple and didn't know what to do. After a long time, which felt like decade, they both broke from the hug trying to control their tears with muffled sobs.

Kyubin hugged both of them and said with a comforting tone, "Are you both kids? 18 months will pass very soon. See, I am back safe, sound and more fit after serving in military. Junhyung can visit Sungho when you miss him. There are vacations too when Sungho can come and see you. Don't cry like babies. I know its hard to endure but this too will pass." Hye Jin joined them for a hug.

After taking in this news and processing it, Junhyung asked with a coarse voice, "Hyung, what is the good news?" "Junhyungaa, you said you will be going back to the US to take care of your late father's business next year, right? Is your dream still the same?" Sungho asked with high expectations. "Yes hyung. My dream is still the same. My love for coffee will never end because it gave me many beautiful and unforgettable memories. It led me to you." Junhyung replied locking his hand with Sungho's. Sungho's eyes brightened. He hugged Junhyung tightly and said, "The next match is going to be my last match. I am going to retire as a player" All the three in the room were shocked and didn't know what to reply.

"Hyung, what are you saying? Why? Is it because you are going to military?" Junhyung couldn't hide his concern in the voice. "No. It is not because I am going to military. Its because I want to be near you. I am not quitting badminton for good. I applied for the US national team assistant coach position and got my confirmation today. Since I had to serve in military, they said I can join after my service here." Sungho said with a bright smile on his face. Junhyung couldn't control his tears and buried his face deep into Sungho's arms. "I am blessed to have you beside me hyung. I love you so much. But please don't give up on your dreams because of me." "Junhyungaa, before I met you, badminton was the only thing that filled my thoughts. But the moment you confessed how you felt, my world started changing completely. You started occupying my thoughts and dream, until you filled me up with you. Now, my one and only dream is to be happy with you forever and the only thing I can do for achieving my dream is to follow you, wherever you go." Junhyung started crying his eyes out burying into Sungho's arms and it took a long while before he stopped. "Hyung, thank you for being my everything. My mom, dad, brother, friend and my one and only boyfriend. Thank you for always being my side. I love you." Junhyung said with a warm smile on his face, tears still flowing.

"I have something more to tell you. I don't just want to be your boyfriend. I want to be your husband. After a year of work in the US, I can apply for citizenship there and if there are no issues, I can get it immediately. You already have a citizenship there and there would be nothing that can stop us from getting married. Junhyungaa, remember this. On this same day three years later, lets get married. Will you marry me?" Sungho released Junhyung's arms and reached his coat pocket to take out a small cute box. He got up from his chair kneeled in front of Junhyung taking out a ring from the box. Hye Jin squealed in the highest pitch possible. Kyubin was smiling wide and clapping his hands continuously out of excitement. Junhyung was shocked for a good amount of time after which he came back to his senses. He fell down on his knees hugging Sungho tightly sobbing and smiling, his heart filled with mixed emotions. "Hyung, I had always been yours and will forever be only yours" He screamed his lungs out and pulled Sungho into a long kiss. Sungho fell down on his back pulling Junhyung on top of him kissing him back. "Ahem. If you don't mind, will you both get a room please?" Hye Jin commented and giggled. She didn't realize that tears were flowing down her cheeks too because she was moved by this moment.

"Hye Jinaaa.. Hye Jinaa.." Hye Jin could hear Junhyung's voice echoing into her ears. She slowly opened her eyes. "Why are you crying? Did you have a sad dream? How long were you sleeping to get a dream? Do you want me to get you another iced americano? Youngsoo just called me to say that he has to shoot a commercial today with Wookjin and Taeyeop hyung. It was a last-minute schedule so he couldn't make it for the study." Hye Jin was trying to process what was happening around her. Was it a dream? Was she dreaming? It felt so real to just be a dream. She still couldn't accept the fact that everything was a dream when she heard Sungho oppa's voice, "Junhyungaaa." She immediately lifted her head and noticed Sungho wearing the same outfit as in her dream. Junhyung jumped out of his chair and hugged Sungho tightly. "Hyung, what a surprise! You said you had a match tomorrow and would come home only this weekend. Why are you here so early?" Junhyung asked him with a very excited tone without breaking from the hug. "My match got cancelled due to poor weather. They will reschedule it soon." Sungho said but his tone was not as cheerful as Junhyung's. You can guess what happened next.

That night all the 8 gathered together at Kyubin's place to celebrate the now officially engaged couple. "Did I really predict the future in my dream? Do I have super powers?" Hye Jin was still dazed and couldn't process what was happening around her.

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