The World Of Florence.

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The big mansion on the hill was surrounded by beautiful forests on all sides, except for the front entrance.

It had a wide drive which edged it's way along a meandering creek, with soft lush walking trails for the many guests that often arrived here.
This was a magical part of young Florence's life.
She lived here with her beautiful mother, Mary and her husband James Devine.

Florence was a  happy child
She had a thirst for knowledge of all things, be it bugs in the garden, animals around the house such as her pet pony Jess.

She was a pleasure for everyone who lived around her, and there were many.
She didn't mind that she was an only child, she had parents who gave her the opportunity to explore and develop a great relationship with everyone.

This was the pattern that she carried with her for the years that she was living and growing up in this beautiful estate.

Father would take her in their special buggy for rides into the forest, or into the small town Abbey Way, which was a quaint little village that serviced the whole area.

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