Never ending problems for Earl. Part 7

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The time was passing slowly for Florence, her wound was troubling her so much, it was like a mad dream that kept going around and around in her head. she lay in her bed not wanting to get up at all, her moods were on the up more than on the down side, she kept seeing that knife coming toward her, nearly every time she closed her eyes, therefore most of her suffering was lack of sleep. 

Padrick had been over to see her a few times, and he was now very worried about her, he was standing in her bedroom, because she refused to leave her bed again, she was in a protective mood, it was her safe place, in her mind nothing could harm her here, "Why don't you come out side with me and you can see how beautiful your flowers are looking, I was amazed when i saw them today,"

 Florence sat and looked at him he was so handsome, and he made her body feel so tuned into him, "You know if you would send one of my maids up , I will walk with you, can you wait in the office  for me, I won't be very long,"  and she gave him a smile that took his breath away,  he headed toward the stairs just as Amber was bringing the tea trolley for Florence, "Hello Amber "he said, "Can i please ask you to go in and help Florence get up out of her bed, and i will take the trolley to the main office room, i will have to open up the windows in there." '"Ok that sounds like a plan to me, thank you sir for at least getting her up we have been trying fo r a few days now, and she refuses to, so thank you so much."

Padrick  opened the door and just as he was entering he saw a small person making his way to  the side wall, as he opened the door wider, he turned around to see a flash of light and then it was gone.  "What just happened he asked himself, did i see someone go through the wall, nah i must be going mad he told himself, just as he had pulled the last of the curtains aside his lovely Florence arrived with the help of Amber, his family had arrived as well, because he had asked them to come and support him, there was a lot to talk about, and a lot that was going to give them all a fright.

They were all sitting down with their choice of liquid, no alchol as a very clean head is a wanting for what was ahead. Thank you my friends and family, for attending the meeting Michael and myself had to organize, No1 you all know me, but the 2nd person you need to know is my very best friend, he knows all things to do with the law, so when we tell you what is going on, please come and tell us if you hear, or see or know you must tell us as soon as possible.

Michael would you like to let us know what is going on. and Padrick sat in the empty chair, Michael had just vacated. It was a perfect spot, as he could see everyone and their reactions every time something came out that they didn't know,  "One thing i must ask you all is Who knows Earl, who looks after the tenants etc. as he looked around he was surprised to see so many hands ,well his name isn't Earl and i'm so sorry Florence to tell you he is no family member of your's , he is well know around certain parts of the country as a robber, we have all the proof we need here, so you must all see that you have to be extra careful when around him"

Earl couldn't believe what he was hearing, so they have found out about me, i have to get my money, he's thinking as he still had his ear pressed up against the door, where there was a slight opening, and he could hear everything, his mind was jamming up with all of the things he must do, otherwise he was going to be in a real pickle'  first thing i must hide before anyone happens to find my hideaway,  he started to climb up the spiral stairs it was starting to take a toll on him all of the wrong he has done in his life, i am getting to old to be like i was before, he had just reached his door when he heard the door to the office open, he stopped with his hand literally on the door, ready to open but he knew that if he did that the noise the door makes would be heard , so without thinking it through he just stood where he was not realizing that he was in full view for all to see if they looked up.

Padrick and Michael had opened the door to the office so as to let some air into the room,  Padrick turned around and as he looked up he spied Earl standing still and holding onto the door, he had walked up there when he last spied Earl once before, hiding in the back parts of this beautiful mansion, it was slowly coming back to the way it should be and he wanted it for Florence, she was on her own and she was now feeling at her lowest, it is going to be a hard road ahead, he knew where his heart was but did she know, and was it heading his way, maybe i'm dreaming to much, he thinks to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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