Chapter 13

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The next day at the hospital,Luna asked Jackson why he didn't return home the night before and he made the excuse that he was busy with work.Luna didn't buy it but not wanting to anger the handsome professor by nagging him for the truth,she chose to let it go.

She understood Jackson's personality very well and knew that if she did anything to make him unhappy,he could just throw her out of his life out of anger.He wasn't a very tolerant man at all.


A week went by and within this week,Jackson didn't go to his apartment at all.He went to the hotel to spend time with his new sex slave, Dorothy instead,leaving Luna all alone at his apartment in sadness.She was happy living with Jackson but now that he was no longer coming home with work as an excuse,she became very lonely.

One day, during lunch at the hospital, everyone received news that Giana wouldn't be coming to work for a while cause she was pregnant. Everyone except Jackson and Dorothy were happy for the couple and wished them a safe delivery of their first child into the world.

Jackson stormed off to the rooftop to vent his anger and Dorothy followed behind him moments later to discuss their next move as things were now difficult with a child on the way.If Giana gives birth to Leonard's child then even if they succeed in separating them,they would still be entangled with each other cause of the child.

Dorothy just reached the rooftop when Jackson pushed her onto the sofa and vented his anger on her by making her serve his lust.

While they were at it,they were completely oblivious to the pair of redened hazel eyes staring at them from behind the door which wasn't closed properly.Luna had followed Dorothy when she caught sight of her heading for the roof shortly after Jackson left and she saw her lover cheat on her in broad daylight with her own eyes.

Luna ran away from there in tears as her heart ached with pain.She ran to her office and shut the door before sliding down it to the floor in sorrow.She knelt on the floor and buried her face in her hands as she cried.

"Am I not enough for you,Jack?Did I not satisfy your lust?Why did you do this to me?Why did you play me for a fool?",Luna sobbed.


Lunch over,Luna was walking to the head of the hospital,Dr. Eric's office to ask for permission to take the rest of the day off as she wasn't in the right set of mind to work when she ran into Jackson and Dorothy.

Jackson just modded at her then walked away with Dorothy right behind him.She watched them depart with sad eyes before smiling in self mockery.She felt like a fool for believing a handsome rich professor like Jackson would ever fall in love or even stay faithful to a poor woman like her when there are lots of other women for him to play with.


Returning to Jackson's apartment,Luna packed all her things and left with a heavy heart.She went back to the hotel she used to stay before moving in with Jackson and booked a room.Arriving in her room which is on the second floor,she unpacked her stuff then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

While showering, she couldn't help but cry as her mind replayed the scene she witnessed earlier on the rooftop.Her heart was broken and it hurted so much she felt suffocated.

"Why can't you love me,Jack?Why?",Luna murmured in tears before crying herself to sleep.

Meanwhile, Jackson sat in his office still in thought of how to get rid of Giana and Leonard's unborn child and also make them get a divorce.

"I won't allow the woman I love give birth to your child, Leonard", Jackson said coldly with a deadly determination in his eyes.

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