Chapter Four: Curly Fries and Sparks

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Hopefully you guys know by now that anything in italics is a flashback!

--Chapter Four--


It had been a week since I had that weird flashback and I still hadn’t remembered anything else. I waited and waited to remember just something, not caring whether it was important or not, but nothing ever came to me. To say I was annoyed was slightly an understatement.

“Come on Rose, its your turn!” Nick broke me from my thoughts and I suddenly went back to reality. We were in the tour bus playing Go Fish with Sandy, Josh and Jon whilst on the way to the next venue.

“Sorry,” I apologized for losing my focus. I took a look at my deck of cards, “Hey Sandy, got any two’s?”

“Go fish,” he responded and I reached in grabbing a card from the pile of cards sitting in the middle.

“Jon, got any six’s?” Sandy asked the lad.

“Go fish, mate” he responded and Sandy sighed, picking up a card from the pile.

“Nick,” Jon said, “have you got any-“ Jon was interrupted by the bus stopping and the engine turning off. We were parked somewhere, but where exactly? The venue was supposed to be about a few hours more away. I think we were going to Liverpool, but I wasn’t the one to memorize the schedule or anything.

“Why did the bus stop?” Nick asked, probably reading everyone’s minds.

Josh’s phone vibrated, receiving a text and he pulled it out of his pocket reading the text.

“It’s from the boys. Apparently Niall got hungry so we stopped at somewhere to eat.”

“But don’t they also have a kitchen on the bus? Why can’t they just eat something from there?” I asked.

Josh shrugged his shoulders, “I’m not Niall, don’t ask me,”

I rolled my eyes and let out a huff. These boys do confuse me.

We all got up from our card game and exited the bus. As I stepped out, the big red and yellow sign was the first thing I saw. I could already smell the grease coming from the restaurant, making me cringe a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I loved fast food. But sometimes knowing how much grease and fat goes into this food made me instantly lose my appetite.

The other tour bus was parked right next to ours and I saw a whiff of blonde hair sprint by right past me and into the fast food joint.

“Is he seriously that hungry?” I asked walking up to Harry who had just gotten out of the tour bus.

“The poor boy was famished. He was complaining how he hadn’t eaten since breakfast,” he chuckled.

“But don’t you guys have food on the bus or something?”

“Chex mix and bananas do get boring after awhile…” he trailed off.

I rolled my eyes before muttering, “Boys these days,”

“Hey! I heard that!” Louis jumped from behind me.

“Good, you were supposed to,” I smirked, causing the boy to gasp and clutch his hand over his heart dramatically. I really did question this boy.

“But Rose, I thought what we had was special!” He dramatically remarked.

“Guess you thought wrong, Tomlinson,” I replied back cheekily and in response he faked sobs and pretended to cry into Harry’s shoulder.

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