Elsa - Best Relaxing Night Ever

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It had been a very busy today. Anna and I had a lot of meetings at Arendelle Castle and, though we were both very tired, they all went well and we all felt great about what we achieved today. Then it was time for Anna to go back home to her family.

As I walked her out of the gates, we saw Kristoff, Kasper and Rika in Kristoff's sleigh with Sven in front of it. Though I never asked or worked out the answer, my guess was that Kristoff and Sven must have finished their ice harvesting job early today and managed to pick up Kasper and Rika from school and now came to pick up Anna. This never happened before. Anna and I hugged before she got into the sleigh and then the whole family waved to me as Sven dragged them back home. I smiled as I waved to them and then when they were out of sight my face fell.

Don't get me wrong; I couldn't have been any happier for Anna that she was happy with her husband and kids, but it made me jealous that I didn't have a family of my own. I was used to being alone, thanks to my childhood, but ever since my sister moved out to start her own family, I started to feel a bit lonely. And although Olaf still lived with me in the castle, I viewed him as a friend. But at least I wasn't forced into marrying someone and having children for the sake of the future of Arendelle, like I was about six years ago. But on the other hand I thought it was unfair on Kasper and Rika that their futures were decided because I haven't found the right man to marry for love and have children with.

"Hi, Elsa."

I turned to my left and saw Miguel was standing next to me.

"Hi, Miguel," I said. "Had a good day today?"

"Yeah," he replied. "A challenging but productive and happy day today, I would call it." He yawned. "You have a busy day yourself?"

"Oh, definitely. A day of royal duties is always a very busy one." Then I yawned. "But I have the best advisors in the world and they help me and the kingdom get through them as smoothly as they can."

"Well, well done," Miguel said, before yawning again. "See you later."

"See you later, Miguel." Then as I watched him start to walk away, I had an idea. "Say, Miguel?"
Miguel stopped and turned back to face me. "Yes, Elsa?"

"I'm, uh – I'm going to relax now with hot chocolate and biscuits. Would you care to join me?"

"Okay," he said. "Thank you very much."

"You're very welcome."

Miguel walked beside me as we headed towards the castle. We realised later that we were holding hands and we decided to keep on holding them as we both liked the feeling of it.

Soon Miguel and I were in the royal kitchen. I taught him how to make hot chocolate.

"Hmm, these smells really good," he said, after he collected the mugs of hot chocolate.

I smiled as I gathered the biscuits. I was glad he was the same Miguel I met six years ago when he and his friends helped me rescue Anna from the goblins and the two evil sorcerers. "Wait to dunk these delicious shortbread biscuits in the hot chocolate," I told him.

After serving up the hot chocolate in the cups and plating up the biscuits, I led out of the kitchen.

"Where are we going, Elsa?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," I told him.

And the surprise was that I took Miguel and our hot chocolate and biscuits to the roof of the castle.

"This is lovely, Elsa," Miguel said as we sat down on the roof tiles.

"It is, Miguel," I told him. "Whenever I have a stressful day, I just come here at the night and relax. I enjoy seeing the beautiful night sky, the stars and how peaceful the kingdom is."

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