No Worries

22 3 11

The room is filled with sweet colors from the sunrise, and for a moment, you think that this moment you would like to last forever. Every morning, you tried to keep a firm memory of where you were, and how more than lucky you felt for that.
You have your back turned to Levi and his chest is against your back, holding you tightly in his arms. Without him, nothing is the same, not even the bed you share every night together.
The sunlight hits your eyes, you turn to the side and your face finds Levi's warm chest, you lean against him, touching his bare back with one hand. There was no better sound than his heartbeat, it made you feel safe, and an indescribable peace.


Exactly what Levi wanted to feel his whole life.
He spent most of his years fighting for the good of humanity, not knowing that there is this side of life, and although he has now adapted to a new daily routine, at first he found it hard to believe where he was, as if he had two parallel lives.

Through the covers, you caress the spine of his back with your fingertips, and for a moment you take a look back at the past.

It's not many years ago, but the war when it started found you in your early twenties. It was the first time you heard about Levi then.
Everyone spoke specifically about a captain from the island of Paradis, he was so strong that he was likened to a demigod.
You remember that period well, and especially the period after the war ended.
Many people other than Marleyans settled in Liberio in order to build their lives from scratch, and so it was with Levi. It didn't take you long to learn that humanity's strongest soldier has decided to live here, and is even opening his own tea shop.

Your mind brings up your first memories with him. The first time you saw him was at the opening of his store on the very same day as Marley's national holiday.
Marley's government decided to establish a certain day of the year as a national holiday to mark the end of the war. The streets were full of people, to such an extent that you thought you had never seen so many people together before.

It was a warm afternoon, walking with your friends through the streets of Liberio, eating ice cream, and looking at the decorations that they had so beautifully curated.
The road took you to Levi's tea shop, which was surrounded by people. You couldn't understand much, but it looked beautiful and modern.

With the help of your friends you manage to locate Levi, amidst the noise of the music and the crowd, your best friend points him out to you with her index finger. But you don't get the full picture, he was standing on the side and not in front, talking to the people who had come, but still, you can see that he's sturdy, and not only that, but that he has good taste.
He was freshly cut with an undercut curtain haircut , as he wore a cream shirt lifted up to them though, accompanied by dark brown trousers and belt. Next to him was a gentleman you were seeing for the first time, but the two children you knew, they were the ones who would adopt the next Titans.

These three seemed happier about the opening than Levi himself, as if it was their initiative to organize it. Levi looked a bit mummed, as if it was the first time he had ever spoken to so many people.
Although you had heard of him, you had no idea what he might look like in appearance. And you can confess with great honesty that, he was a magnet for attention. You headed a few steps forward, until you felt yourself being pushed by the crowd.

Your hand leaves his back and moves to his face, gently touching his cheek.

Your field of vision is covered, but for some reason, your eyes still manage to be glued to him, he turns around this time and you notice a deep cut on the left side of his face, just as you're about to figure out his form, you lose him in the crowd.

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