Chapter 1:2

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The door slowly creaked open and shut, and the rattling of a cart with various products and footsteps drawing near [Y/N] in a slow, apprehensive manner echoed through the moist air.

"Pardon me, but I need to get to work. Please excuse my brashness."

The new maid had a soft, smooth voice; one that was deep and velvety and very homely. There was a metal clinking as she picked up a pair of silver scissors from the tray and took a small section of [Y/N]'s hair into her delicate hands. Working with diligence and precision that only comes with years of experience, the new maid snipped off the dry and split ends of hair, working her way around [Y/N]'s head in smooth and gliding steps; shaping and fixing the once wild and overgrown bed of hair.

"Please raise your head child. I must work on the front now."

Mechanically raising her head, [Y/N] stared ahead with dead eyes as the maid worked her fingers through overgrown bangs; chopping away so they no longer obstructed [Y/N]'s vision.

Stepping back to observe her work, she gave a final nod of approval and set the scissors back down onto the cart, switching to a small vial of hair oil. She dabbed a small amount onto her hands, rubbed them together, and ran her fingers through [Y/N]'s hair; leaving it with a temporary glow and shine.

Taking up a wet rag that laid gingerly over the handle of the cart, the maid wiped the tiredness from [Y/N]'s eyes, the caked-on sweat and soot from her cheeks, and the drool from around her mouth.

With another ragged sigh, the maid spread out various cosmetics along the vanity table; all terribly expensive.

"Are you thirsty, child? Would you like anything before we start? You know, this usually takes the longest." She said with a haggard smile.

[Y/N] turned her head to stare up at the maid. The fuzzy features of her face seemed to blend together into a dark buzzing mess, leaving nothing but a gaping hole.

"Oh come now child, you know some water won't hurt. The Madame doesn't have to know."

Such a thought of something going under the radar of the Madame was laughable at best, fatal at worst. This maid clearly knew nothing of the inner workings of the palace the Madame had carefully constructed; nothing went unheard, nothing went unnoticed, nothing went unreported.

Still, a single act of kindness in an otherwise hopeless situation can do wonders.

And as if a veil had been lifted from in front of her, [Y/N] saw the maid for the first time; taking in her features with a newfound interest.

She was older than [Y/N], seemingly only by a few years; her dark skin contrasted the white of her uniform brilliantly. She was tall, her head coming to the top of the doorframe, and lean with rough and calloused hands. Short black hair framed her face in tresses, stopping at her shoulders and curling slightly at the ends. She had dark, thick eyebrows that arched neatly, and dark burgundy lips that shone with gloss. Piercing grey eyes that observed and calculated every minuscule movement contrasted with the long, delicate eyelashes that fluttered every time she blinked. Here and there, white splotches were strewn about her body in a variety of shapes, making her all the more beautiful and captivating.

[Y/N] looked at the maid with eyebrows furrowed, unsure of the maid's seemingly fruitless empathy.

[Y/N] gave a small sigh and turned her attention back to the vanity mirror, her glossy eyes staring back at her.

"I own nothing." She said, her voice hoarse and scratchy.

The maid was quiet before slightly chuckling, the mirth of her voice reverberating throughout the small room.

"Trust me, child, there is nothing you could possibly own that would satisfy me." The maid exhaled with heavy melancholy.

[Y/N] peeled her eyes away from her reflection and tilted her head back to face the maid standing beside her. She opened her mouth to speak before closing it, no words coming from her cracked lips. She tried once more.

"...Who are you?" Her voice came out quiet, unsure of the decision she was making.

Looking down at [Y/N] the maid smiled and brushed back a stray hair from [Y/N]'s face gently.

"Yves, my child. You'd do best to remember it."


Yves is pronounced Eve.

Alright, another chapter edited! I am very happy to be unofficially back and kicking. Thank you everyone for being so patient. Also, do you like the new cover? I really like it :)

Thank you for following the development of Ikigai and as always, I'll see you next chapter.
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