chapter 1; the woods

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Winds blowing through her hair branches slapping her legs and arms the sweet smell of roses in the air. "Abigail ! Wait up I'm carrying all the toys which is making me slower . your to fast come help me." Pacing to a slow jog abigail goes back and helps jermey carry the toys down to the river. "Where's mom ? She was right behind us when we left the house." Abigail told jermey as she set the blanket down by the river for the picnic "She told me she had to go back and get something important to go ahead and eat without her she's already full." Already eaten Jermey and Abigail play games waiting for Stacey. "Its been 30 minutes go run back to the house and check on mom." Having jermey gone abigail sat down staring at the baby blue river remembering how her father used to bring her down here every afternoon and tell her story's about magical creatures the roomed the woods and sometimes even about everlasting love that made two people happy forever. Those always seemed to be Abigail's favorite just the thought of a two people able to find a love so strong it lasted eternity warmed Abigail up. All until the day Abigail's fathered died to cancer she loved coming down here. Now she only came down when her mother insited for family bonding. She always thought that her mother brought them just to remind her of her father. But realizing it now her mother took her fathers death harder then anybody did. The only reason they came down to this spot for the picnic was because it was her fathers favorite spot. And her mother just wated to remember her father happy and this seemed liked the only place he actually was. Wiping off the tears from her face abigail got up and checked how long it has been. " an hour ! I always seem to get so lost in thought when it comes to dad but where the hell can these people be ?" Gathering all the toys and blankets into her arms abigail heard twigs breaking in the woods. "Finally you two decided to show up I started to get worried. Now come help me set this back up so we can eat the desert with mom jermey." No reply . "okay you two scared me enough come help jermey or else your not going to taste the apple pie I made." Realizing the twig sounds stopped she thought they were hiding behind trees to try to scare her. Getting up abigail screams out "alright I'll play just one game the pies getting cold." Singing the song they always sing when playing tree tag she headed off into the trees. "When you come out of the woods today your in for a big surprise , when I find you in the woods today your going to scream in fright. When I take you in the woods today your going to beg for your life. When I catch you in the woods today ..." Slowly and quietly steping up to a tree she thought Stacey was hiding behind abigail grabbed one side of a branch and popping in on the other side abigail screams the last part of the song "YOUR GOING TO PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!" Disappointed Stacey wasn't there she went looking again for jermey this time. looking back and forth trying to decide where jermey would hide, she saw a shadow run behind a tree slowly walking towards the tree she sang "When you come out of the woods today your in for a big surprise , when I find you in the woods today your going to sream in fright. When I take you in the woods today your going to beg for your life. When I catch you in the woods today ..." Sneaking up behind a tree she thought jermey was at she sang the rest of the song."YOUR GOING TO PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!" Popping in front of the tree jermey wasn't there it was someone else. All dressed in black she couldn't see his face but she definitely saw the blood dripping from his big hands. Scared , Abigail ran not looking back. She hid behind a tree. The dark stranger followed walking to the tree she hid behind humming the tune of the song. On the other side of the tree abigail was at he jumped in front of her screaming " YOUR GOING TO PAY WITH YOUR LIFE!"

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