Chapter 1

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Look out for yourself

The rain was pouring tonight. Not the simple trickle that could come from simple grey clouds. No, tonight, it felt like each raindrop was a bullet, threatening to rip through the flesh of those it touched.

I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows

Most people chose to stay inside on days like this. The delicate people of Piltover weren't capable of handling anything more than a light drizzle unless they had on the bulky armour of the enforcers. The parasols carried about by ladies would be torn to shreds in seconds, and children would cry out in pain if a raindrop pelted them.

For my mind to run around with my ear up to the ground

But this weather had a certain charm about it to one person in particular. They couldn't tell you exactly what it was that they loved about the dark sheet of clouds.

I'm searching to behold the stories that are told

Perhaps it was the way that the rain made the rooves slick, making it dangerous for any unskilled person. Or maybe it was because the sky always seemed to provide shelter, though it let loose the torrential downpour. It could even possibly be simply because of the smell that wafted around Piltover, both during and after the rain.

When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned

The white buildings of Piltover stood out like a sore thumb against the dark sky. The golden lining shimmered when the moon was allowed to peek through, and the lamplights cast unwanted illumination on the streets. 

Tell you, you're the greatest

It would have to be the rooftop pass. Splendid.

But once you turn, they hate us

A figure darted out of a dark room, coming to an abrupt stop as they smacked straight into the railing on the edge of the balcony. Below them, easily five or six stories down was the cobblestone ground. Something that someone did not want to hit as they jumped off of a roof.

Oh, the misery

The loud crash of furniture and trinkets drew the figure's attention and they whipped around to see a small legion of enforcers running toward them. Guns sat comfortably in their hands, some with long rifles that were better for far off shots, others with simple revolvers which would be easy to use at close range.

Everybody wants to be my enemy

As the enforcers struggled through the mess that the figure had made, they pulled out a strange contraption. At first glance, it seemed like nothing more than a gun, but upon closer inspection, anyone would be able to tell that this was a grappling hook, of sorts. Small metal teeth were embedded in the metal plates, adding extra strength to the gizmo. 

Spare the sympathy

With a loud boom, the figure pulled the trigger and the metal contraption sailed across the street, easily sinking into the roof of the building opposite the balcony. They turned with a smirk to see the enforcers breaking through the last few barriers.

Everybody wants to be my enemy

"Stop right there, thief!"

Look out for yourself

The figure smirked and gracefully clambered up onto the golden balcony. They clipped the gun onto their hip and secured the metal wire to a loop on their belt.

My enemy

"You wish!"

Look out for yourself

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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