New Job, New Crush

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You walk into the building, your immediately blown away by all the lighting and high quality cameras. It was easy to get I overwhelmed, especially since this was your first movie. But you take a deep breath and push through.

You're fascinated by the whole set-up, looking around at every little thing. Meaning you didn't notice the person coming straight towards you.

You come into contact with another body but only you fall over, you look up at the person you bumped into.

"Ow- Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going."
You stand up quickly as you nervously laugh, and that's when you get to see his face clearly for the first time.

Everything from his beautiful eyes to his fluffy brown hair was perfect. You could've easily stood there and just stared at him all day. You weren't prepared to have to deal with such beauty.

"Oh, it's alright! My fault anyways."
He says kindly, you can tell he's about to leave.

But he can't leave yet! You want to see him more, no you have to. You can't let this opportunity slide past you, you have to at least try to strike up a conversation.

"Uh hey, are you one of the actors here?"
It wasn't great but you're glad you got any words out in general.

"Yep! Main character, spiderman."

"Oh I should've known that huh? Sorry I'm bad at remembering faces! Andrew...right?"

"Mhm, and don't worry you're good! What's your name?"


"Ooo, aren't you playing the villain?"

"Correct, guess we'll get to see each other a lot! That'll be fun."

"For sure, I gotta go quick but I'll talk to you soon!"

"Ok, cya!"

You mentally gave yourself a pat on the back for that one, it's a miracle you didn't faint from just the idea of having to talk to him.

Even if you were incredibly nervous around him, you had a feeling this wouldn't be the last time you talked to him.

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