⩇13 : When love blast and slowly killed me.

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when love blast and slowly killed me

Gray skies;
Reminds me of your sad eyes.
The hot eyes of heaven,
reminds me of the lantern.
The beat of the soft music;
reminds me of your voice as I listen.
The feelings I have for you is unshaken.
Pinky swear;
I want to be with you forever.
Yet this dancing muzzy light;
reminds me of how we fight.
The rain,
reminds of the pain.
The pain of loving you was a poison;
triggered voices in my head in unison-
a possible cause my own demise.
It has wreck my heart into pieces.
It became toxic, tragic.
Cannot be mend by any magic.
Pixie of lies.
Hatred ties in grave of fireflies.
Memories of you distracts me.
The mint scent of your perfume was still over my room.
You have left me in gloom.
So, now tell me how would a flower like me will again bloom?
You made a sudden boom!
I'm in trouble I am in a maze - doom.
Red flame, reminds me of your name.
Blaze, whom I cannot even gaze.
Not amaze anymore.
Because for me, you are now a sore.

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