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Amazing Rope Guy looked around his cell. HIS cell, so why was he here? Out of all the people he had to share a cell with why did it have to be the man that betrayed him only earlier that day? Amazing Rope guy felt his eyes start to water and quickly curled up into his bed to cry. The Learnerer watched him do this, then looked around the room. His vision couldn't help but stray back to the man quietly sobbing on the bed.

"Uhh... Are you ok?" The Learnerer asked uncomfortably.

"No!" Amazing Rope Guy replied in a muffled voice, not bothering to look at him.

"Oh... Well, could you stop cryinging? It's gettinging annoyinging." The Learnerer replied nervously.
Amazing Rope Guy looked up from his pillow and glared at him with teary eyes. The Learnerer was shocked to see him so mad. After a moment, he spoke.

"Why are you cryinging anyway? You get put in jail all the time."
"It's not that I'm in jail it's that I'm in jail with you!" Rope Guy blurted out. The Learnerer looked mildly offended and scoffed.

"What's wrong with me?" He asked defensively. Rope guy looked shocked and even more upset.

"You just betrayed me!" He shouted. It all clicked for The Learnerer

"Oh, that." He fidgeted nervously. He didn't think it would hurt him that much. "You're that upset I betrayeded you?" Amazing Rope guy looked pissed. The Learnerer had never seen him angry, annoyed, sure, but not angry.

"Did you even think about how I would feel!?!" He asked, tears pouring from his eyes.

"I- uhh... I guess not..." The Learnerer fidgeted and looked down. He felt guilty. Rope Guy plopped back down on his pillow and cried harder. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelingings..." The Learnerer said in his most sympathetic tone.

"I thought I finally had a friend..." the muffled voice said. The Learnerer started to understand why Rope Guy was so upset. Now he felt more guilty.

"I-... I'm sorry..." He said looking down.

"No, you're not." The voice under the pillow replied. "Leave me alone."

"No I reallyly am!" he replied, hoping that Amazing Rope Guy would believe him. No response. The Learnerer sat on the bed and Amazing Rope Guy scooted as far away from him as possible.

"Go away." The voice in the pillow now sounded more melancholy and hopeless than angry.

"I still see you as a friend..."

"I don't," ARG replied rather quickly.

That stung. Why did that hurt so much? The Learnerer felt like his heart was breaking. That's when he realized that the feeling he had towards ARG was more than just friendship.

The first time he saw ARG it was an immediate attraction. The perfect victim, he thought but as he started to get closer to him and watch him more another feeling started to appear he didn't want to just work with him anymore, he wanted to touch him. He wanted to wrap his arm around him and he wanted to pull him close and stare into his eyes. He was always so excited to see him. At the time he thought he was just excited to get the money but now it was clear that was not true.

Initially, he may have wanted the money but now he realized he didn't. He wanted Amazing Rope Guy. He was excited to be in the same cell with Amazing Rope Guy and now he knew why it hurt so much that ARG didn't feel the same.

He didn't even think about how betraying him would affect their relationship but now he realized how bad he screwed up. The worst part was now he didn't know how to fix it or make it up to him.

"I- I didn't think betrayinging you would make you that upset.." He said fidgeting. "I'm sorry" He pulled him so he was sitting up but he just crossed his arms and turned away, tears streaming across his face. The pillow was soaked as well.

"You really thought I would be ok with that!?" He didn't bother to even look at him.

"I.. I guess..." He said, feeling a little stupid. Amazing Rope Guy didn't say anything or move at all.

"I'm sorry" The Learnerer said with a hug hoping that he would just accept his apology and move on. Amazing Rope Guy stayed quiet for a moment.

"I don't accept your apology."He eventually muttered. The Learnerer was confused.

"What? No, you're doinging this wrong. You're supposeded to forgive me!"

"I don't"

"But-" he went silent and tried to think of what to do. In everything The Learnerer had seen, the other person accepted the apology and moved on so why wasn't he doing that? He couldn't understand and it was making him mad.

"But that's not fair!" There must be something wrong with him, why else wouldn't he accept his apology? "No! No! You can't do that!"

Learninging The Ropes Of Apologies (Amazing Rope Guy × The Learnerer) (WordGirl)Where stories live. Discover now