Kitty 🔞

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                                  Lee Minho

the weight on your back while you were all out of energy and wanted to go home asap you were walking and were on your way to your apartment from school it had been a long day, all you wanted was to jump on the bed and sleep forever with no worries but that wasn't the case for you. You lived alone in korea without your parents because they were in Canada since your father had a job there and you wanted to study in Korea you had to pay for your own bills, food and everything on your own you worked at the local cafe and the salary was good enough for you to handle everything but of course you had to work really hard for it, wiping tables, taking orders and so on.

As you were walking home you saw this cat, you would always see him and become really close to him you would always feed him and play with him whenever you could find him. He would always wait for you to come play with him, he was a lost or abandoned cat it had a name tag on it "MINHO" he used to always be in a cardboard box. As you were walking towards Minho he saw you and jumped on you in joy he was really happy to see him and so were you.

"Look min min I bought your favourite food"

You said as you started feeding him his favourite cat food, you thought of adopting Minho for a long time but you waited just incase his owners wanted him back but it had been 3 months and no one cared to help him so you decided to finally adopt him.

"Min min you know what I'm gonna take you home today"

He looked up towards you with his cute little face a left a little happy meow from his mouth you picked him up and took him in your embrace as he curled up in your arms, you reached your apartment and showed him his new toys and bed you bought him, you decided to adopt Minho for a while and kinda did a bit of shopping for him he was such a precious cat you couldn't resist taking him home with you and make him yours, days past Minho and you started getting closer and closer he was the most perfect cat you could ever want he always listen to you and you would tell him everything even if he was just a cat it was like you could trust him with your whole Life even if he couldn't understand anything you kept talking about.

Time skip: Days later after school
You opened the door and fell on the couch all sad and ready to shed out tears, Minho came and jumped on you since he's been waiting all day for you to give him attention he noticed you were sad and tilted his head in confusion.
this meant he was asking you what wrong you took Minho in your arms and left a weak smile

"Today's literally the worst day of my like min min you know? Haechan the guy I've had a crush on for such a long time asked Mina to be his girlfriend in front of the whole school, I mean how could he wasn't it obvious I liked him and I was always there for him when he wanted help I guess it's just that I'm not perfect"

Minho looked up towards your face with a sad face you weak smiled again as you kiss his cute little nose and giggled "okay min min I'll be in the shower" you put him down and went to shower to let all your thoughts and worries disappear in the cold water falling on your body.

You finished showering and came out of the shower as you relished you forgot your clothes Outside the bathroom so you just left the bathroom with a towel lightly rapped around you, you left the bathroom and started walking towards your bedroom you came in your bedroom and then you saw someone a man. You didn't have enough time to notice the man "w-who are you" "sush just cuddle with me" the person said as he held you by your waist and made you lay beside him "I missed you, your so perfect I'm so gonna fight that haechan guy"
He said softly, you looked at the man and released something he had kitty ears, wait so if Minho isn't here does this mean he is Minho? This thought entered you head you were looking at Minho with a terrified face he looked at you in confusion and relished he switched into a human without noticing.

"O-oh uh look it's not like that actually I-" "are you Minho?"

"I guess I'll finally tell you the truth I'm actually a hybrid and this is the reason my last owners kicked me out and no one wanted to adopt me and I realised that if I told you, you would do the same so I never told you it's okay if you kick me out"

Minho said with a sad face.

"No of course not Minho in the end of the day you are my cat and I love you so much I can't let go if you so easily and I don't mind you being a hybrid"

"R-really thank you so much I love you so so much y/n" He said flashing the biggest smile on his face.

"Okay now turn around I need to change" you said as the towel was literally about to fall of you "nothing I haven't seen" Minho said with a smirk literally filling your stomach with butterflies. Now comes the time you discribe minhos features he was ridiculously hot haechan was nothing compared to Minho literally.
—(cont.. part 2)

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